Tuesday, March 17, 2020

#Coronavirus Update.

OK, this mass panic and hysteria over the Coronavirus has really gone too far and gotten waaay out of hand! Now I heard there's 28 confirmed cases here in town and the PM has now closed the border down to all internaltionals except Americans ( go, figure, so now no one can import the virus except for Americans that is, they can just cross the border and bring it right on in......(???????) and only 4 cities in the entire country are even accepting international flights; the ones that are left over incoming and we are advised to NOT leave the country and if we're already abroad to return home or risk being "locked out" ( for me that would be dream come true! Awww.....I can't come back? You mean to say that I have to stay in the Tropics even longer and have an extended vacation? Sign me up!!!!) and starting today all restaurants, bars, clubs, casinos, cinemas, etc. are to be shut down( or face possible hefty fines!) and gatherings of over 10 people not recommended....it's just insane and everyone has lost their minds!  My cousin( who sells weed) also reassured his customers that despite the shortages of commodies in this panic and hoarding he has plenty of supply to go around, and I also ordered my monthly supply of medical marijuana early, 2 weeks earlier than I normally place my order, and got extra this time too, just in case; I can live with running out of toilet paper, but not weed! It's funny with my cousin's older brother( also my cousin, duh) when he was younger briefly tried his hand at being a thief  and during a B&E he couldn't bring himself to steal anything so all he took was a roll of toilet paper, something that quickly became9and still is, all these years later) a laugh in our family, but NOW with the TP shortage and maddness that's  what thieves will  be taking now when breaking into homes! They'll leave the flat-screens, laptops and other electronics behind and just steal all the toilet paper!

I can't help but wonder as well though if this Coronavirus may be a modern-day Plague that God has sent upon mankind as a kind of chastisement, punishment or warning for disobedience and sin, such as rampant sexual immorality, greed, hate, blatant disregard for life( abortion, euthanasia, homicide,genocide,etc.) war, violence, etc. not unlike the Plagues on Egypt in Bible times, and I have a cold now too( or at least I think  it's a cold,anyway, but nowadays one also wonders if it could be the Coronavirus) headache, cough( which oddly was the first symptom and for me it's usually at the end of the cold, and it's a dry cough,too, but no runny nose, oddly like I usually have, and also tired, fever, and achy lower right ear/jaw area(or lymph node perhaps?). I must have caught it at Wal-Mart as that was the only place I was plus the drug store yesterday but I've had it for a couple of days now. I also have that splitting headache that wakes me up during the night and I suspected my BP was high so I checked it and so it was: it was 154/102! (normal is 120/80)...holy shit, that's high, I mean really high! F*ck! No wonder, maybe that's why every morning when I wake up I've been feeling so "woozy" "floaty" and weird and like I'm going to pass out? Maybe it's the high BP or the cold, or a combination of both? One day I actually thought I'd taken the wrong pills; that I'd grabbed the wrong bottle in the dark half-asleep and gobbled down 10 or so of the cannabis oil capsules instead of my daily meds as I felt so weird but I still feel the same way every morning days after,too, so maybe it's this? I wonder as well if this Coronavirus is what I was being warned about months ago when I heard the whispering to watch out and be careful, that Something is coming..... could this possibly be it, or maybe something coming soon, after, that this preceeds? It just makes me wonder.....

All the churches in the Toronto area are also shut down so I e-mailed our church on Saturday to see if we still had our regular Sunday Masses but I never got any reply so I figured not since no one answered they weren't there and my mother and hubby both said likely cancelled and why get all dressed and ready and go all for nothing and get there and it's closed....so I never went....but then Monday I get a reply saying there was regular Masses afterall but she didn't reply as no one was in the office  over the weekend to reply to the e-mail so now I'm pissed-off as I really wanted to go to church and I could have actually gone afterall but I missed it. The 16 YR old leaves for Ottawa today too to visit the 20 YR old and how stupid is this: she has to take a train in a city an hour away instead of one in a town much closer as if she took the one closer it has a 2 HR lay-over in the same city 1 HR away so she's getting driven there abnd taking the train from there, sparing a needless 2 HR wait all for nothing. My mother's reply to this nonsense was, We really do live out in Bumble-F*ck, don't we? and when I was saying how much I miss and loved the 80's the 25 YR old goes, It's not as good as you remember and it got me thinking, maybe it wasn't( but it sure did have excellent music, TV shows,and movies!!) as I probably wouldn't say I was "technically" "happy" per-se, but I was "happy" compared to what I am now (and I certainly didn't have the stress, trauma, etc. I have now), and I did have alot more happy moments, so that counts for something, and I have many happy memories and when I hear songs from that time it makes me smile. When I reminded my hubby last night to also pick up the 16 YR old at work while he was at his D&D game before it got dark out he also growled at me with disdain, Do you ever shut your big mouth? Words can't even begin to describe the hurt and pain in my heart always being treated like this.

I just wish someone could love me.

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