Friday, March 13, 2020

Go Back.

I saw this yesterday and it brought back happy memories of my childhood in the 70's and made me go back. I had some of these very same Avon perfume pins. I remember I had the dog ( my fave!) the rollerskating rabbit,the yellow rabbit and the gingerbread man. The scarecrow also looks vaguely familiar so I'm not sure if I might have had that one,too. Oh, I really loved those things! They were brooches actually and the tops lifted up and it had creme perfume underneath that smelled oh-so-good! They were the most amazing things and I can still remember ordering from the Avon catalogue at Christmas was one of my fave. memories of my childhood and the excitement of waiting daily for the order to arrive. We also used to give all our relatives Avon stuff too and were one of the representatives' best customers. If I could go back though and give one word of advice to my younger self it would be this:
Don't settle.
Don't settle in life. Don't settle for a guy you don't love and that doesn't love you and that treats you like shit. Don't settle for less than you want ,need, or deserve. Don't settle for second(or third or fourth) best in life all the time. Don't settle for crap. Don't settle for less-than. Don't settle for good enough. Don't settle for shit because you think that's all you deserve and you'll never find anything better.It's much better to wait for what you really want than to settle. Hold out for the Real Deal instead of always settling for less all the time.

Speaking of the past, I was mentioning how back in clubs in the 80's whenever Billy Idol's song Mony Mony  came on everyone would always yell out, Hey, motherf*cker, get laid, get f*cked!  and I was saying I wonder if people still do that nowadays when the song comes on and the 25 YR old cracked The only place that song would be played now would be in Old Age homes! Whaaat? I was thinking more along the lines of at a club on 80's Night or something.....holy shit did I ever want to smack him one! That made me feel really old, like hearing the songs you loved in highschool now being called Classic Hits  or being played on the Oldies channel and before I also used to read the Birth Notices in the paper to see if there was anyone I knew and now I read the death notices! You also know you're getting old too when you can no longer take off your pants standing up ( or else you fall over) but now have to do it ditting down. My mother made me laugh too when she referred to Spider-Man ( who my hubby loves and is just totally obsessed with) as Spider-SHIT like I always call him and it just cracked me up so much I almost peed my pants and when I mentioned about someone being betrayed by someone they most trusted and how you Can't trust anyone  the 12 YR old said, He should have had him say the 'Hippo Thing' which is this thing we have where I have to pledge an oath If I'm lying I hate hippos! to prove I'm not joking or tricking him in any way but being serious and telling the truth. I just thought it was the funniest thing ever!

The kids were mocking me again too and my mother said I Deserve to be bullied because I complain so much  and I told her that I have a good reason TO complain with the way they treat me and it's NEVER OK to bully anyone, anytime, for any reason, no matter who you are or how old you are; bullying is never cool, and to me this is the ultimate betrayal since I was viciously bullied in school and it broke me and destroyed  me and eliminated any confidence or self-esteem I might have had before and to say that I "deserve" it is just so beyond hurtful and feels like a knife in my heart and reminds me of the Jr. High Principal when I went to her for help with the bullying and she told me too that I "deserved" it for being ugly  and that it was only going to get worse now you snitched! which it did and she was of no help. I learned a lesson that day too: NO ONE GIVES A F*CK and victims are all on their own. YOU CAN'T TRUST ANYONE. No wonder I've always felt so alone.

Someone in our dinky little hick-ass town has also tested positive for the Coronavirus( they got it on a cruise ship) and are now being quarantined and isolated) and even PM Trudeau's wife has tested positive for it and they are both in quarantine(at least we won't have to see his stupid face for 2 weeks!) and the schools across the province will be closed for 3 weeks(making for some very happy kids, I'm sure!) starting Monday for the March Break instead of the usual week ( at least it will make the still ongoing teacher's strike ineffective, ha ha! and even with  the gov't conceeding to their demands they still didn't accept it; they should just legislate the greedy f*ckers back to work,and now they've been on strike for so long, 3-4 months, no one even notices or cares anymore) due to it, and the 25 YR old said he's auctioning off rolls of toilet paper on e-Bay starting at 20$ a roll too and I hope he's just joking and not really trying to profit off other people's panic and fear(which would be despicable!!!) and yesterday at the grocery it was packed full as well and everyone had their carts piled sky-high with items( like we do on a typical shopping for our large family) and the line-ups were really long and they ran out of toilet paper( I guess we'll just have to wash our asses with water like the Muslims do) and it's just crazy insane the mob-mentality of this panic and hysteria and you'd think it's the Apocalypse or something, and I'm normally the one with anxiety but even I'm not worried because I also have medical background and knowledge and know that most people get it mild and fully recover and some, in fact, have it don't even realize they even have it. Good thing about it though: they cancelled the hockey and basketball seasons so my TV shows won't be pre-empted this year because of that crap and it won't be hijacking the news reports every night,either! Yay!

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