Friday, March 13, 2020


I was sitting outside today until it got all cold and these clouds just suddenly came quickly across the sky, looming ominously and covered up the sun, and it was eerie like a sudden darkness just overshadowed the land, sort of like a harbinger of some sort, a forewarning of something bad soon to come and a strong wind blew in with it and everything suddenly got really quiet. It was just surreal. Maybe Judgement Day is upon us and Jesus is coming back soon, as in imminently? Remember months ago I had that revelation, a voice warned me to watch out and be careful as something is coming? maybe that's it? Whatever it is, is coming soon, now? I'm not afraid though as I know God is with me and God's people have nothing to fear, even with the Coronavirus panic and hysteria, and with that they've also cancelled my hubby's weekly  cards group and the 25 YR old's jiu-jitsu classes and they're thinking of moving the 18 YR old's classes all online and not have students attending the campus's all just so crazy insane and everyone has just compleyely lost their minds,,,,it's like in those horror movies where you've been invaded by aliens or zombies and under attack and it's the end of the world. It's just so unreal. I just hope they don't cancel the 12 YR old's Cadets trip next week though as I really need  that quiet break of peace and quiet when he's away as he's really intense, aggravating, provoking and annoying and gets on every one of my last nerves and I really, really, really, really need a peaceful quiet few days away from him just to recharge.

I know, I know, it should say break but someone's obviously NOT smarter than a Fifth grader and with public schools all being shut down for 3weeks at least it won't make any difference anyway; it's not like they learn anything much anyway and won't miss much.Plus, this way everyone essencially will be homeschooling for 3 weeks and I bet many of them will find that they end up liking  it and will just continue on doing it and not even send their kids back  to public school after the epidemic.

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