Sunday, March 29, 2020


Look what my hubby found! TOILET PAPER! yes, he really did, and at the grocery store yesterday of all places, too, even though everywhere had been all sold out but they had just got their delivery in and he got lucky; just happened to be at the right place at the right time( he's lucky like that, me I'm the total opposite) and we got  some! Yay! It's not our usual brand ( we normally get Cashmere because we're classy that way, ha,ha) but times are hard so you take what you can get and it's our most coveted and hard-to-find posession at the moment and it's funny now people online are posting pictures of their rare-finds of TP instead of food, and with this crazy mass-hysteria and panic over the Coronavirus pandemic and at first I actually wondered if he got it off the Black Market. ( A friend of mine her dad used to deal stolen and counterfeit goods on the international Black Market and that's actually the reason why  they had to emigrate to Canada, to escape danger, but that's another story) and it reminds of of those War-Time stories my babushka used to tell me how things were in scarce supply and rationed, things such as butter and sugar,etc. and people would trade with eachother for necessities. It's like that now, only with toilet paper. My abdomenal pain is now sooooo BAD too from trying to hold in my shit for as along as I can(probably NOT the best idea for someone like me who has IBS) to "save" toilet paper I feel nauseated from the pain but now I can just  LET IT GO and I had this massive log-jam and kept launching the torpedoes and I swear I've never seen so much shit in my life....and my back pain's really bad too, in the lower part in my kidney area and it feels like a sharp tearing sensation going all the way up  my back as well; it's really awful  and I woke up in the morning( and still have!) a sore, swollen tongue on the right side too so I'm pretty sure I must have had another seizure in my sleep again and bitten my tongue. Buddy is also whining alot today and staying extra close and cuddly with me too, so either he senses something's not well with me  or he doesn't feel well and needs extra love?

This is a very interesting quote I came across as well from C.S. Lewis, and very prophetic for our time now,too(and now the province has banned groups of people over 5 and we have 6 of us living in our house so I guess someone  has to go; we have to "thin the herd", but who? I vote for either my hubby or mother....) and shows that even if Satan tries to create havoc that GOD can turn it around and use it for His purpose and that His people will still always be guided and proteced by Him and always have comfort, protection and come thru it and not have to worry because He always has their backs. I have a sore spot at the back of my head again too I have no idea how it got there but I woke up with it, and the 18 YR old made this How-well-do-we-know-her quiz she found from a site online and we all took it and then all of us( except for my mother who doesn't know how to use the computer) went there and made up our own versions of it, and the 13 YR old got this new Donkey Kong video game for his birthday ( which I'm pretty sure was supposed to have been called Monkey Kong but it was lost in translation and they accidently put a "D" instead of an "M" and changed the word(and animal!) completely from "monkey" to "donkey") and he was playing this funniest level ever where this fat seal ( which reminded me of Buddy when he rolls around on the carpet) kept tossing puffer-fish to the ape and for some reason ( maybe because it was a Weed  Day perhaps, or maybe it's just funny?) it was just hilarious and the funniest thing I'd ever seen and I was laughing my ass off cracking up so much I was practically crying it was so funny, but the 13 YR old was frustrated with it and appeared to struggle with it and after he finally beat it he was like, Well, that  was something.....

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