Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Life At Our House.

I recently found out that the 25 YR old ( out of all of the kids, I mean, grow up, will you? What are you, like 5?) has been abusing our houseplant (I named Robert Plant  after the Led Zeppelin frontman, plus it's also a plant....get it?) by plucking off the leaves, pulling parts out and even burning  the leaves off (seriously, WTF?) just as I had suspected as over time there was less and less of it; parts have have been disappearing  leaving big bare spots in the pot with now only basically one plant left whereas before there were several different ones. I just knew  it so yesterday I erected this sign, as shown here. It likely won't make any difference but it made me feel better and it gives Robert "protection" somewhat. Poor Robert. We have such a weird family.

Yesterday our youngest also had to kiss his childhood goodbye as today is his birthday and he turned 13.  Another teen-ager. Dear God.That means we have achieved a milestone here at our house and in our big crazy family: we have no more kids anymore left; just teens and adults. OMG, scary thought! My fave. time of all was when the kids were babies, followed when they were really little, like 3-6, but the WORST was the teen years.I can see the light at the end of the tunnel though; he's our last one so the end is near; I'm almost done; I can do  this! I've almost served my "time", ha ha and soon I will be "free", just 5 more years to go....assuming, of course, that I even live  that long....I also got a revelation of sorts as to why  I have such self-loathing and such low self-esteem: it's a combination of factors: of feeling abandoned and unwanted and unloved by my parents: my father left when I was 2 and I never saw him again and my mother was always working and farmed me off to daycare from age 6 weeks old and I hardly ever saw her, and then feeling bad, dirty, shame, defiled, losing my innocence and trust by being molested by a relative from age 4-12, and of course by being ugly made me feel worthless and unlovable and hate myself, and then even more so once the relentless bullying began at age 13 and further made me feel worthless, less-than, outcast, abused, unwanted, inferior, not good enough, and then on top of that having Asperger's Bi-polar, etc. made me feel different, weird, Other, annoying to others, misunderstood, cast-out, rejected, ridiculed, etc. and so much so that even my own family  treat me with disdain and contempt and I really don't have anyone except for God and my dog. It's a very lonely existance. I like  being on my own, but I can do without people being cruel  to me. I just want to be left alone.

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