Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Look Out! Here It Comes!!

A cousin in Europe said starting yesterday all McDonald's  are now closed so yesterday when I went to Wal-mart  to get some essential stuff ( mainly canned and frozen food and of course chocolate!) before our own lock-down comes into effect later today(the Premier decreed that all non-essential businesses close for at least 2 weeks with the exception of grocery stores and pharmacies and schools will remain closed longer than to early April  like originally thought too, much to the rejoicing of kids everywhere) I planned on stoppingoff at Mickey D's  to grab some Big Macs for us because you know, it might be months until we can get another one if the same thing happens here but they were already closed. The stores yesterday was eeries too, with only one entrance open and 2 cash with the others all blocked off and sanitizers everywhere and everything being wiped down and staff making sure everyone stays 6 feet apart( with markers at the check-out on the floor too) and one employee saying to another he feels like a chaperone at a highschool dance making sure everyone keeps a distance and if anyone noticed someone was getting too close they'd quickly scurry off like scared mice, reminding me of lepers in Bible Times shouting Unclean! Unclean!  and backing away,  and I saw 7 or so people wearing masks and 4 or so with latex gloves...and it was weird like we were living in a post-Apocalyptic Sci-Fi horror film! They had run completely out of meat too(and that's all my dog eats, so I had to get him some tinned stuff) and I saw the usual assortment of typical People Of Wal-Mart there,too, the kind you see in memes on the Internet; various rednecks, white-trash, trailer-trash, hillbillies, slobs, morbidly obese, wearing PJ's, etc. It was really quite amusing, like a study in Sociology.

With all the mass panic and hysteria over Coronavirus the gov't is also bringing in emergency measures to defer mortgages and stuff as everyone's under lockdown in their homes and can't work therefore unable to pay bills but luckily the Opposition parties did NOT allow the Liberals to extend it further like they'd wanted, hoped for and planned to do, by imposing Martial Law basically for almost 2 YEARS which would have been allowed to curtail our movements and gatherings,etc! One of my cousins( who does  have underlying medical issues such as diabetes, heart and kidney issues, and my friend F (from grade 6) is petrified too and he's not even high risk, and it's sad how people are all so afraid and how scared everyone is, all gloom and doom and all they can really do is just wait it out(and rely on God of course, but sadly most of them don't realize that or have faith and that's why they're so afraid and lost and feel so uncertain because they don't know the Whole Story or the ending) but at least the good  thing though about everyone being stuck at home is it promotes family bonding, a simpler lifestyle, and with schools and daycares closed parents are forced to stay home and spend time with and raise their own kids instead of having them raised by strangers and to homeschool, bringing families even closer together, so it's not all bad, uniting families. For us it's just normal everyday living as we've been homeschooling for over 25 years now and my hubby works from home anyway. It's perfect for me too, thses new measures: no sports anymore to pre-empt my TV shows or to hijack the news and with social distancing ( the new word of the year) everyone stays the f*ck away from me.

Yesterday the neighbour next door was outside smoking weed....the same thing  was doing ( and it just feels so good  when the pain suddenly lifts off and it's just....gone, and until that moment I had almost forgotten what it's like  to be pain-free) and we both looked at eachother and nodded and smiled in kinship; my Brother From Another Mother, and on the way to the store yesterday my hubby was demeaning and mean to me as usual and snarked Stop talking! All you ever DO is yakk and nag! and I told him, All you  ever do is be critical, condescending, insulting, belitting, demeaning and mean! and then he said How about nobody even talks at all then? so the rest of the ride  it was silent....other than the curse word I muttered under my breath at him in German.

 My mother also said she somehow managed to "save" (even though she's always crying how "poor" she is 100$ each to send the girls in Vancouver to buy food since they're out of work now with the mass-hysteria, and to the 20 YR old for her upcoming 21st birthday and $$ to re-new the 2 youngest kids' passports....and I'm just wondering how and where she got  the $$$$ from  and how she managed to do it when she's always saying how she has no $$$$ and it irks me too how she always has to "buy" people with $$$$ and that's how she's always got people to like her, by "buying" their affection and has always taken it upon herself too to think she's the one that always has to "rescue" someone if she thinks someone else is "failing" them ( generally me) that it's her "job" to swoop in and take over, and when I said she really shouldn't be making special separate meals every night for my hubby because he's picky and doesn't eat the regular dinner everyone else is served; that it's not a restaurant and if he doesn't eat the family meal he's on his own and can get his own meals she snarked to me, Actually, YOU  should be the one doing it! 
Say what? Uh, uh, f*ck NO! Is she kidding? Who does he think he is? Royalty?

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