Saturday, March 28, 2020

My Friend's Mom.

I can still remember my friend T's( from grade 8) mom; that time she called me at home frantic, drunk, not knowing where her daughter was, hoping she was maybe over at my house like she often was( she wasn't, but she did eventually locate her at another friend's house) and I have to say that she had to be the most, well....interesting and unusual of all my friends' parents. She was the only woman  I have ever seen drunk; she was an alcoholic and every time I went over to her house I always saw her passed-out drunk on the couch and I had a few friends whose dads were alcoholics so this wasn't anything new but it was the first and only time I'd ever seen a drunk woman or a woman alcoholic. I didn't judge her for it though or think anything of it; that's just that way it was; that was just T's mom; that's just the way it was in her family and I just figured every family is different and just accepted it. They were white-trash afterall and as much as T was kind and wonderful and an amazing friend that was just her family. She had something like 4 or 5 siblings ( her brother sold drugs in high school too) and they all had different fathers,too, which I did  find weird, but that wasn't the worst of it: what I did find highly odd and suspicious and what ended up making her being the strangest of all my friends' parents was the fact that 3 of her fiances ended up mysteriously falling down the stairs and breaking their necks and dying.....and guess who ended up getting the life insurance $$$$? I know, right? Creepy!
 The other surprising thing too was the first time I saw her; up until then I had just heard her voice on the phone calling my place to talk to T and she had this amazing becautiful pretty voice ( she was a telephone operater back in the day BTW) and I imagined she was this pretty woman.....but in reality she was this fat slovenly ugly cow that looked like a typical welfare mom. Proof again that things are not often what they appear to be. Now as an adult though I feel sad for her because now I realize that she must have been a really unhappy person, unfulfilled, depressed, miserable in life and that's what would have lead her to drink, as a coping machanism. My friend K's dad came a close second with being weird though: I stayed over at her house once and this guy was really weird, like schizo paranoid weird and he said the weirdest things and wouldn't let his kids even talk  at the table or anything. That guy really gave me bad vibes. It often made me think what my friends thought of my mother or what my kids' friends think of me? I think I'd rather not know that one.

Yesterday I also saw this cute brown rabbit in our garden under a bush in the backyard(and no; it wasn't a weed day, it was real, and my hubby saw it too so I have a witness I wasn't hallucinating) and I noticed as well our tulips and daffodils are starting to poke up thru the soil! Spring is here and Easter is in just 2 weeks too! I don't know if church will even be open  for Mass to celebrate Holy Week though...The dire toilet paper situation is not going well either, having to ration to one roll a person a week. I'm trying my best to "hold" it and not shit as much as possible trying to conserve paper and make it last but then my abdomenal pain is even worse plus using so little I'm now walking around with an eternal fudge-smudge on my underwear because I can never really get a good clean wipe.

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