Sunday, March 22, 2020


Yesterday my mother went to McDonald's  and picked herself up some food and when she got back I asked her if she got anything for me since she was already there and it's no trouble to get something for someone else,too(she didn't) but it was a logical question esp. since every time I'm at McDonald's she always tells me  to get something for her( so I assumed it worked both ways) and also I was already in the livingroom with my show ( on every Saturday morning) and my hubby walks in all huffy and mad because he wanted to watch TV right at that exact same moment and he had to wait until mine was done in 30 more minutes  and he stomps and rages that I'm a Spoiled, pampered entitled little Princess that always has to have my way, etc..... even though I was there first, and then he goes on that I'm the only one that gets "special" food etc.... what the f*ck? I get a turkey harvarti cranberry wrap once a week for my dinner on grocery day, yes, but he  also forgets that he gets fried chicken once a week that same night for his dinner,too, plus he's also the only one that gets his own bag of chips every week just for him,too( the rest of us have 2 bags we have to divide up and share between us) and he's also the only one  that gets his own special separate meal cooked for him by my mother daily because he's so picky and doesn't eat what's served for dinner for the rest of us, and if it's her turn to cook and  don't want it, for example, she doesn't cook something else for me, I'm on my own and just have to get my own dinner( and I do, and I'm a grown adult and perfectly capable  of doing so, so is he but for some reason he doesn't and she does it for  him) he's the only one who gets a special separate meal cooked for him (and the 12 YR old, because my mother's obsessed with him and coddles him) and he says I'm  the entitled one?

He can just go and f*ck  himself! He has ruined my LIFE and treats me like shit! Who does he think he is?  He also always accuses me of being jealous when I always get left out and just want to be included like everyone else even though he also knows it's a sore spot for me growing up always being bullied, excluded, made fun of, the outsider, never fitting in or belonging, always being left out.Everyone  needs to be,and feel, accepted, loved, wanted, worthy,wanted, and included, including me. The kids were mocking me again too and my mother said I "deserve" it because I freak out so much and tantrum like a 2 year old  yet with my Asperger's I get overwhelmed and frustrated and my emotions take over and I have meltdowns and need support, encouragement, reassurance, love, and understanding and patience, NOT ridicule, bullying, and blame and then when I said Buddy is my only  support and love she sneers That' should be enough! But it's NOT; I also need human connection, love, support, allies, friendship, and acceptance.
My family sucks!

My hubby has also bought into the fear-mongering , panic, hysteria and mass indoctrination over the Coronavirus as well, scared and isolating ,afraid to go out and has bought into all the fear, and since I'm more laid-back about it and not worried and just think it's being way over-blown and over-reacting and people are going too far and losing their mind and making a way big deal out of nothing; nothing more than a bad Flu or pneunomia that the majority of people aren't endangered by he accuses me of burying my head in the sand so to speak, that I'm in denial or just plain stupid, and that I just tell myself what I want to hear and believe what I want, but  the medical facts  are unless you're high risk( elderly or have underlying medical issues) you only have a 1% chance of dying  and most people that get it have it mild and fully recover and many don't even realize they even have it! I don't know why all the panic and fear, is it to control the masses by fear or what, but there must be some reason, some hidden agenda, and he( along with most people) is drinking the Kool-Aid, blindly following along without critical thinking on his part, without really thinking here logically and because I refuse to be easily brainwashed along with the mindless herd(and I also am a rebel and free-spirit and I won't be controlled or told what to do or think) he thinks I'm  the stupid one? Because I question things and think for myself? Plus, I also have faith and trust God and I know He will protect His people. Faith, not fear.

You also have to keep an eye out that with all this mandatory quarantine and self isolation etc. that our human rights aren't violated; what will the gov't impose upon us next? Martial Law? Curfew? Will we be fined, jailed or shot if we don't  comply? What really is behind all this? What are they not telling us?

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