Sunday, March 1, 2020

The Haircut.

The other day the 12 YR old went to the barber for a much-needed haircut. He likes it long, shaggy, wild and sticking up but Cadets doesn't and they're always harping about getting a haircut so it's above the nape of the neck and above the ears so off he went and it looks really nice but he hates it and says it's 'too short" and I kept trying to get a photo of him with his new haircut because it looks so nice but he never let me and would always hide or cover up his head or wear a hood and I even tried to bribe him with chocolates but he still wouldn't, so I had to get sneaky and put my skills to use and one time when he wasn't looking, while he was occupied( with his device, naturally) and didn't notice, when he was caught off-guard and not expecting it, I snuck in this photo. I couldn't get too close for obvious reasons as I didn't want him to know I was taking a picture but I got one!(heh, heh!) He still doesn't know. HA! He's also been extra mouthy, stubborn, lazy and definat lately too but he is turning 13 at the end of the month, so you know, a typical teenager, but the problem is he's also been giving me a hassle every day doing his schoolwork; the rule is after you wake up in the morning and eat you do your lessons first and then everything else but he's been stalling doing it and plays video games, fiddles on his device, hangs out with his siblings, etc. first and then maybe around 1;30 pm or so ( if he feels like it) he'll start on his work; it's been a real fight lately. No one else was allowed to get away with that but both my hubby and mother pamper him and he gets away with everything and I'm the only one here trying to set rules and schedules and discipline him and I never get any support.

I also had a dream the other night the 20 YR old's getting married this year, and the 16 YR old accuses me of always being so tired and napping because I'm always high with my weed when in actual fact it's due to all my medical issues and resulting pain which is why I have the medical marijuana in the first place( as well as for migraines, which it has eliminated) and it wipes me out physically and exhausts me. My hubby also said, Ooooh, you're sooooo threatening! and I replied, I can be; if you cross me I can really f*ck you up; you have no idea what I'm capable of! and he blinked in bewilderment and goes, I was talking to the dog! who had been growling at him because he was teasing him(as usual) trying to take away his fave. squeaky skunk toy! Oh! Ooops!!

One of my cousins in Europe also let her 16 YR old get her belly-button pierced( shown here) and I never let my girls do that; they could only get ears and nose but not navel, lips, eyebrows, tongue, cheeks, etc. as it's either gross, skanky, or unhygenic and prone to infection, such as the navel wouldn't it keep rubbing on the waistband of the pants and get irritated and infected, plus it's also trashy,too, and I never let my girls wear belly-shirts/crop-tops anyway as they're slutty, and they have to dress modestly, and I don't think you should have kids and teens grow up too fast or dress like little prostitutes; when they do then people wonder why it attracts pedophiles or why they get raped, or start having sex at 12 or end up teen moms.....duh! Why do you think? Kids should just be kids and not be tarted-up like that. My cousin's dad is also in the hospital in Spain ( he spends winters at his villa there) with heart issues. The 25 YR old also spent yesterday in Toronto at a jiu-jitsu tournament with one of the world's top instructors and I had a "revelation" of a sort too that life is just an illusion and that it's not real; everything's just fake and we're all just playing a part, like actors in roles. The real life is still yet to come. Mental illness is also such a beautiful madness.

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