Sunday, March 15, 2020

The Sky Is Falling!!

All this crazy insane panic and hysteria over the Coronavirus ( which is really just basically a strain of the Flu blown waaay out of proportion) makes me think of that story I remember from my childhood about Henny Penny ( also known as Chicken Little  or Chicken Licken) where an acron falls on his head and he over-reacts thinking it's the end of the worlds and runs around yelling, THE SKY IS FALLING! THE SKY IS FALLING!  and gets everyone else into a needless mass-panic as well, much to their detriment, and all for nothing, much like what the media is doing to us today about the Coronavirus, and it's like the world's completely shut down and everyone's just lost their minds, stockpiling goods such as toilet paper ( when it's NOT even a gastro  virus but a respiratory one! Duh!) like it's the end of the world and here in town the stores are out of toilet paper too and the cops were even called to our local Wal-Mart the other day as a fist-fight broke out over toilet paper and a cousin in Europe said they ran out over there too and she orders her groceries online and they deliver it(imagine not even having to go into the store and shop! That's amazing! Here our weekly shopping takes 3 hours!) and they told her most of the items on her list are all out of stock! It's beyond crazy!

The 12 YR old's March Break trip is cancelled for this week as well and I think I'm  even more disappointed than he was; I was really looking forward to it, to the quiet break, and peacefulness, the time off, as he really stresses me out and raises my BP ( he's always been "challenging" and one of the most difficult of all the kids, right from the beginning, he was even a difficult baby; fussy, hard to feed, hard to console, cried alot, etc. and I was 40 when I had him too and worn-out and had even less patience) and I really needed it and now it's been taken away from me and my nerves are shot, and I don't even know if I can go to church today either or if the Masses are all cancelled,too, like they are in Toronto...I have this cough too and the 25 YR old cracked, You have the Coronavirus! and I told him, No, I just smoke a shitload of weed! and now the gov't has cancelled all cruises until July and "advised" not to even leave the country( yeah, guys, good luck with that!) and said if you've left you may NOT be able to get back in ( for me that would be a dream come true!) and I wonder why all the mass panic though and what's behind  the agenda; there has to be a reason someone decided to do this, but what? Is it to manipulate the global markets, or to control people thru fear, or what? Is there perhaps some sort of attack or war coming imminently and this is how they get people to stay at home safe? It's sad though how it brings out the worst in humanity too and divudes us as everyone fights over scarce resources they stockpile and hoard and countries close down borders and xenophobia runs rampant, etc. instead of banding together and helping eachother.

I'm ok though because I have FAITH, not FEAR.

This is Buddy yesterday enjoying time out in the sun. I just love  his frosty face,too, white with old age. He's such a beautiful old soul. At the end of his shit twice yesterday he was bleeding again too and I don't mean just a little bit, either; it didn't just drip out like the other times; this time it poured out, and even soaked an entire tissues when I wiped his ass off afterwards but he seems of otherwise though; still eating, going for his walks, playing with his toys, rolling around on the carpet, chasing mice....this morning he was initially ok when he did his original shit but then shortly after he thought he had to go again and when he strained there was no more shit but then blood came although not like yesterday, it was less. It makes me think it must be something within  the ass or anal sacs though (hemmoroid, perhaps?) as opposed to internal  bleeding because the blood isn't actually in  the shit or even mixed in with it, but rather is comes out after,  at the end of the shit, and only when he shits( it doesn't leak out other times) as if the act of shitting itself irritates something or "triggers" it. I love him so much(and he's so old) I just worry so much about him. 

This is also my friend in Brazil's youngest daughter. I can't believe she's 4 already! She is one of the cutest kids I have ever seen and I just love  that hair! I remember when she was just born, and even found out she was prego ( at age 46!) and it really doesn't seem that long ago, yet here we are. Time goes by sooo fast, and faster the older you get.I remember when I was a kid a week took forever and summer seemed endless. Now decades go by and it only feels like a few years! It doesn't seem that long ago I had my oldest, who turns 31 this year.

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