Friday, March 27, 2020

This Side Of Buddy.

The 16 YR old is always calling Buddy "ugly", I presume because he's old( 14 now!) and fat and grey but that's NOT how  see him. When you see his face from the front it's almost like you can see 2 sides of him; the one side he has this big gnarly ugly black scab that keeps recurring and never heals, a reminder of his old age, fragility, and physical ailments, and the other side of his face which is perfectly fine, other than the frosty white specks of old age. Which side do I choose to see? Do I see the senior dog who is now slow walking, who has a chewed-up raggedy old athritic hip, bad eyesight, old-man style hacking cough,  increasing white fur, gained lots of weight and now looks like one of those fat baby seals you see rolling around on ice floes, an old tired body that causes him pain you just know  because you can just see it in those big sad eyes sometimes, who has a chunk out of his tail from when that nasty grey cat bit it, a wart on his back, now limps at time in pain, can no longer go up and down the stairs or jump like he used to, etc. or do I see the same  loving, loyal, sweet, snuggly, cuddly, amazing, wonderful, best-dog-and-best-friend-I-ever-had, best-thing-to-ever-happen-to-me, blessing from God, fun, beautiful dog that brings love ,light,and joy into my life like nothing else ever has; a dog that loves and enjoys life, as seen in the photo here, just inhaling the fresh spring air and loving life. Which side do I choose to see? I choose to see this  side of Buddy; the side that will never change, the beautiful being that he is.

My mother also had the nerve to say the other day that the newly-minted 13 YR old is her  "son" and made some off-hand remark about me having 9 kids, not acknowledging the other 2 we lost at age 9 and 10 years old, and I reminded her, I have  11 kids; 6 girls and 5 boys....and my arrogant hubby thinks he's so smart too but he wasn't completely sure about something so he asks the Google Home  device but only half-heartedly and he cuts it off and waved it off dismissively( like he always does to me) and then it actually replied to him, I defer to You! and disconnected, and the shocked look on his arrogant face  was priceless! OMG, it was hilarious and I laughed my ass off! I have never seen him put in his place like that before and I must say it was wonderful  and I'm so glad I was there to see it; usually I miss out on all the good stuff, like the time he fell off the big exercise ball and went over backwards and wiped out. I would have loved to have seen that! They still  talk about that even to this day and of course I had to miss it. Just my luck. I also used to think that the 13 YR old was the strangest of all the kids but now I'm not so sure and it might be a tie with the 25 YR old....

You know how I always have an extra "back-up" sock and pair of underwear in the bathroom where the tub is, just in case? Well, today The Day finally came; it was their Time To Shine; it was finally needed: I found out the clean underwear I was to put on for the day after I got out of the bath and dressed one side was all ripped down completely so basically just swen along one side, and flapping on the other, so unwearable. (In case you didn't know before, my underwear I wear right to the VERY END; until they are literally falling off, as you can see here what happened today, and generally all pairs are hole-y, ripped, etc I just can't justify spending $$$ on underwear that just gets fudge-smudges on it and that no one even sees anyway) so I couldn't wear it and had no clean underwear and no way was I going back up all those stairs to my room to get another one(I get out of breath)....but no problem! I had an extra pair already in the bathroom for just such an occasion! See? it's always better to plan ahead and be prepared and to always have a back-up!

We have a dilemma with the Coronavirus mass-hysteria and panic now as well: toilet paper shortage and we could only find it at one store( all the others it was all sold out) and there was a I-kid-you-not- line-up for it and they only handed out 1 package( 8 rolls ) to each customer and they even had someone guarding it(no joke!) so we were all rationed to basically 1 roll to last us a week and there's now 6 of us still living here  as well as the dog and we have 3 bathrooms and we use a roll a DAY in EACH bathroom on average, so that's 3ROLLS A DAY , FOR A TOTAL OF 21 ROLLS A WEEK! How are we possibly going to survive on a roll each to last a week? My hubby also shits like a horse, and several times a day, so how exactly is this going to work? I'll only use mine for shit, not pee, but still, even so, if you have a really thick mother said limit to 1 square per shit, but is she kidding? It'll go right thru your hands....not to mention the huge wet shit-stain and skid-mark you'd always have in your pants.....ewww....that's just so gross I can't even imagine; it's like we're living in some Third World country!  I remember back in the mid-80's when I went to Russia how here  they used to laugh and joke and warn us that they  had a shortage of TP and said we should bring a few rolls of our own, just in case, so we did, but it turned out it was unwarranted and they had plenty; it was just a rumour, and here we are now,  the ones without any....

The gov't is also going to issue relief cheques to families with kids under age 12 for 200$ per kids and of course, with our luck our youngest just turned 13 so we don't get anything. It figures. We can't make any $$$ off  our  kids; now they just cost  us $$$$, and Trump now wants to have armed guards along the border with us too, even though it's the world's biggest non-armed border( or at least it was) proving what I feared was coming with the pandemic and fear-mongering and control: Big Brother, Martial Law, The New World Order, unchecked power by gov't, elimination of our freedom, liberties, and himan and legal rights, and everyone's too scared into submission to notice or to question it or to protest; all brainwashed numb by the fear of the pandemic instilled into them, so now they blindly obey without question thinking it's for their own good and for their own safety and protection, and now people are even reporting others  to authorities too for violtaing quarantine and self-isolation, like Child protective Services, only for adults now,too; for everyone, just like how the Gestapo had everyone rat-out and inform on their neighbours and even their own family,and now the gov't also said people can be fined or even jailed for disobeying quarantine orders, controlling citizen's movement and freedom of mobility....yet people are blind, they are so caught up in the panic of the pandemic they don't even notice, like my hubby, who says gov't should  be able to use whatever means necessary but I think such total and unchecked power is dangerous and gov't should never be able to control our movements, associations, gatherings, protests, or interfere with our freedoms and rights, no matter WHAT. The gov't is supposed to serve the people, NOT  the other way around!

I also can't help but notice too how this attacks houses of worship, with everything being shut down and cancelled; people of faith are now prohibited from gathering to worship as well, an attack on faith and religious worship, expression and fellowship, perhaps even part  of the plan, to divide  and weaken religious groups and the faithful, if they can no longer gather in communion, however, God is always also with you no matter where you are, and it can also strengthen a faith too, and a strong faith can endure(and get you thru) anything, incl. a Concentration Camp(and it doesn't get much worse than that!) and in many cases even brings on a new  faith and need for God that wasn't there before, a deeper dependence, so HA! That won't work, and it will hopefully also strengthen families as well by having people all staying at home spending time with their families instead of at work, school, daycare etc. and parents have to raise their own kids instead of having strangers raise them and siblings get to bond ad the entire family gets to spend time together, and have a simpler life and homeschool(it also goes to show how meaningless sports really is too and how the world is fine without it and no loss and great for people like me that don't want it always pre-empting my regular TV show and hijacking the news all the time) so it would also have some good  coming out of it as well, we just have to choose which side to see.

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