Wednesday, March 4, 2020

This & That.

Yesterday the 25 YR old staggered down the stairs in so much pain it worried me. He was hunched over grabbing his abdomen on the left side and when the pain would hit him walking he'd stop, keel over, double-over, and sometimes fall to the floor in fetal position and moan. OK, I'm thinking, this is not normal. This kind of pain is not normal. Something's seriously wrong here. It was on his left side though, not the right, so that ruled out appendix or gallbladder( usually the most common offenders) so then I thought possible bowel obstruction and then also remember a couple of days ago his intensive jiu-jitsu and maybe a possible injury that took awhile to esp. worried me as he's always bragging what a high pain tolerance he has and then to react like this it must be something serious so I said he should go to the ER.....but he thought it was just gas......gas? I know gas pain can be very painful, believe me, I know; I've had it so bad it gives me the sweats, shakes and makes me rock and puke with pain, but....gas? Sure enough, he was right and it was: after an almighty fart it was gone and he was OK, much to my relief! Thank God! I was really worried because when I was like that my gallbladder was on the verge of rupture! When the pain is so bad you can't stand up , you wince and suck in your breath or fall to the floor, you know it's bad and your body is trying to tell you something's seriously wrong and you should probably get your ass to the hospital unless you want to possibly die.

It's also been 4 months now since my hysterectomy and my hubby has still made no advances or attempts towards IT, either so his previous excuse of not wanting to risk me getting prego was just that, an excuse, since now I no longer even have a uterus (or tubes) anymore it's impossible to have any more kids now ( even so before I am also 53 years old, so come, on, really?) proving my theory that he's just rejecting me; that  just got too old, too fat,and too ugly for him, but hasn't he looked in a mirror himself  lately either? He's easily gained over 66 pounds since we first met,too, and he has grey hair, and balding alot, and has a fat tummy that pooches out and hangs over his belt....he's no "prize" himself so what can he say? He called Buddy "ugly" the other day,too, and I told him to take a look at himself! The idea of him even touching me makes my skin crawl though and to think that we ever used to do IT makes me feel sick so it'sprobably for the best, but it's just the feeling  of being undesirable and rejected really hurts and I still long for the comfort and physical connection , bond, and closeness of another human being in that physical way.

My mother also gave up trying to do her income tax( she's been working on it for a week) and had so many items crossed out and initialled she just gave it to my hubby to do online for her but is also worried as last time he did something online for her ( an insurance thing I think) he ended up having them taking out 28K out of her account automatically instead of 2800$ and she doesn't even have that in her account to begin with, and  I was smoking up out the front on the veranda( because it was raining and I'm not going out the back with no shelter and getting wet) and shortly after my mother goes out on the veranda to throw something out in the garbage or recycling she got second-hand smoke and at first I thought my lighter was broken,to as I never got any flame; just sparks so I switched lighters but it kept happening to all of them and I'm like WTF? To ALL of them? That's just too weird, even for my bad luck! and then it hit me: Stoner Moment: it was the wind! The wind kept blowing out the flames!

I also figured I can never be pretty but I can smell pretty so thank God for nice-scented bath products, body lotions and perfume, and I think I finally might have found the answer to my medical issues after 3 YRS of suffering the docs never being able to diagnose: I think I might have:


I have all the symptoms for it, incl. abdomenal and back pain, extreme fatigue, skin discolouation and hyper-pigmentation(my blotches and uneven skin tone) dehydration, fever, sweats, gastro and intestinal issues,hair loss(eyebrows) etc. I have all the symptoms and it describes what I have completely and it's insufficiency  of the adrenal gland which is on the kidney and we all already know I have kidney issues as well as a cysy on my right kidney( the side where the pain is) and I have had issues with potassium before, so the odds are likely...when I see the doc in May I'll bring it up with him and he can run tests but I think I finally might have found it at long last and have an answer to my suffering all this time and the cause!

I also think it sucks how in USA the Democrats are screwing-over Bernie Sanders too; it's his own people; his own party and they've all turned on him, attacking him, ganging-up on him and supporting his opponent Joe Biden in a bid to oust him because he's the popular one and they're afraid of Socialism and don't want him to win. That's just awful!  He must feel so betrayed. Wjat a horrible, shitty, awful thing to do. I hope he still wins despite it( and last time the same thing happened; Hillary Clinton screwed him over and stole his rightful spot) as the need someone new and different like him that will bring change, such as universal health care and do something about the gun problem.

The weak gov't here caved in to the teacher's union as well to try and end the months' long strike and dropped mandatory E-Learning and lessened number of students per class, giving in to pretty much all their demands. They're so weak and have no "balls" The union is too powerful and gets away with toomuch. Why didn't the gov't use it's power and just legislate them back to work months ago? They had the ability to end this thing long ago so why didn't they? because Canada is stupid and has an ineffective weak gov't. That's why.

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