Monday, March 30, 2020


I never did like this guy (PM Turdeau for those of you who don't know, duh!) He's a corrupt under-handed Liberal, a racist, a phony, two-faced, a wolf in sheep's clothing, not what he appears to be on the outside ( handsome, charming, etc. but on the inside he'snot an honest, good, or nice person) a weak and ineffective leader, and now I heard this ( and I don't know if it's actually true or not or just a rumour as you can't believe everything you read online but it horrified me nonetheless and just got me thinking, and knowing him it really doesn't surprise me): that when he was a teacher at age 28 he had an "inappropriate relationship" with an under-age female student and was fired! UGH! So now he's a pervert and a pedo, too? OMG! Eww, that's just too awful, even for a prick like him! He also has always come across to me as very effeminite and a "beta_ male; the way he sits and crosses his legs like a woman and his soft-spoken almost "lispy" effeminite voice, and he reminds me of those spolied entitled preppy rich frat-boy-types I went to highschool with. I also heard he and his wife split up months ago secretly and have been living separate lives,hidden from the public and the media for the good of his career and she has apparantly hooked up with actor Idris Alba and he even claims he got the Coronavirus  from her,too, and which would also explain why the PM hasn't caught it from her,either if they live apart....shit, I swear this is like some kind of trashy soap opera, like the kind the redneck welfare moms like to watch on TV in the afternoons...

I also started planting my sunflowers in a small pot in the windowsill ledge in the kitchen and literally up on a pedestal  up high out of reach so the mice don't get to them and eat the seeds out of them like they did before now all I just have to do is to remember to water them every day because it's something new to my routine I'm not used to(I should leave a note for myself on my place-setting at the table to remind me) and it also scares me to know Buddy is now 14 and probably doesn't really have that much time left as I can't lose him; he means the world to me and it was like we were meant  to find eachother and be together and we needed eachother and complete eachother's lives and he has always been here for me and has gotten me thru so much and been such a comfort for me and has gotten me thru both  the 22 YR old and the 16 YR old's mental breakdowns, suicide attempts, eating disorders, psych stays, and treatments and recoveries, both of which which tore me apart emotionally and took away every last resource that I had left and left me completely drained, but he was there for me and that's what got me thru; that and God. I can't lose him. He's really all I HAVE.

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