Tuesday, April 21, 2020

9 Months.

At least 9 months ago( maybe even longer, but at least last July) my hubby started to paint the hallway at the front and in doing so he moved everything out of the way but the problem was that he never finished  in decent time but rather left it unfinished and undone for all that time, for months, with shelves and buckets and shoes cluttering all over the entranceway ( sophistocated people would call a foyer) leaving no room to walk by, to take shoes on and off, for my mother to push her walker thru, etc. plus it was an unholy, unglodly mess (which is also ironic as he's always harping on everyone else about the big mess they leave and how we're all such slobs and pigs,etc.) yet it stayed like that for at least the past 9 months, despite my repeated reminders to him, Are you ever going to clean up your mess and put it all back  or is it going to stay like that forever? and he'd always say he wasn't done and I'd say at least clean up and put it back in the meantime, esp. if it's going to be awhile(and I'd consider several months to be awhile, it's not like it was just a few days) and I just sort of gave up after awhile( and normally I'd just do it myself but with my poor health, bad physical condition, breahting issues and bad back there's no way I was going to risk that heavy lifting with those wood shelves and such) and figured after all that time he just wasn't going to do it and that's what we were just stuck with.....
a few days ago when all of a sudden he decided to get back to it; he got to the painting and the finishing touches and even cleaned out all the purses and bags...and he even found over 150$ in my old purses, bags,and pockets( yay!) which is always a nice surprise and then (of course, his natural response) insulted me why do I have so "many" shoes and coats, etc. and so many of the "same" shoes because I have several pair of Converse Chuck Taylor  Hi-Tops in different colours(and no, light lilac purple and dark royal  purple are NOT the same colour!) but he just doesn't get it; it's NOT the same  shoes; they're different colours( the 18 YR old would totally understand this) but he's just a guy and he just has one pair of shoes and one coat ....clueless....he also thought that there was only one shade of white,too, until he went to the paint store and saw all the different shades of white of paint samples... so now it's all cleaned up and back to normal and now we have so much space there to move around and it's just....unreal and I'd forgotten that's how it's supposed to be and how it used to be and it's so nice, except now I can't find my coat and shoes or the dog leash because he's now he's gone and moved everything when before I knew where it all was, and he was also always so eager too to throw out all my stuff, eager I think to erase any sign of me from the house but it looks good and he did a good job cleaning it but I don't like the gloomy, sinister, dull prison-grey walls he painted and I much prefered the floral wallpaper we had before, and so did my mother and the 25 YR old, but my opinion never counts for anyhting though and I have no say.

By the grace of God my sunflower seedlings are not only surviving their assassination attempt but are now even thriving now,too! I re-planted them and relocated them to a secret, hidden, safe spot, and now they perked up, took root and the True Leaves have arrived now and they've taken root and have honestly even grown a good 2-3 inches already as they reach towards the sun and where they are now they're placed right under a heating vent too as well as in front of a window so they're always nice and warm and they're just like me: survivors; they survive attacks, start over, re-root, have strong roots that can adapt, take hold, and survive against the odds and still reach toward the sun. It also gives me a feeling of satisfaction, purpose, accomplishment, and success too, I take care of and dote on something and it thrives and isn't a failure like most other things in my life,and in the end I also get beautiful flowers to admire and a feeling of a successful job well done.

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