Friday, April 24, 2020


I have been looking everywhere  for this; one of my fave. products I use every day; the Nivea In-Shower Body Lotion (and their In-Shower Body Milk,too) it makes my skin so soft and smooth which for me is much-needed as my skin is always soooo dry it's like a lizard and this stuff you put it on in the shower( or in my case, in the bath) on your wet skin and the water activates it and releases the moisturizing ingredients and then you leave it on for awhile to absorb and then wash it off and dry off and it leaves your skin soft all day. I' used to be able to find it in Both Wal-Mart and the drugstores, in a few varities and then for a few months only in the one kind and then recently only in Wal-Mart and now not even there, so I was getting worried as I'm running out and only have a bit left and my Suspicion Radar was going off; first I thought maybe it's just run low due to the pandemic and things are sold out, but then I wondered.....oh, no....has it been discontinued? Oh, God, I hope not.... so I e-mailed the company to find out... and THIS is the reply I got below:


So I clicked on the link they sent me which brought me to Amazon (where I guess was selling off the last of their stock) and I bought a pack of 3 for 45$ . It should last me about a year as each bottle lasts about 3-4 months but then after  that I'm just S.O.L because they don't make it anymore. I'm so sad. Why do they always  get rid of all the good products, the ones I love, all the time? At first I didn't think I even had an Amazon account either because I don't ever remember ordering anything from them before so I started to set up a new one when it said(as I entered in my e-mail) I already had an account but of course I had no idea what my password was ( that always happens to me and Forgot your password? is the most-used thing I click on on every site) so I must have used them long ago for something but it must have been so long I forgot. HA! They said it was shipped out but won't arrive until 13May- 6 June only I don't think my old one will last that long; it'll be a race for time... my other fave. products I love and  use daily and can't do without are also the Organix Coconut Coffee Body Lotion , Noxzema  face cleansing cream, Palmer's Cocoa Butter Face Oil   and Johnson's Baby Oil. Then, of course, there's other daily products like deoderant and stuff but if they changed brands it doesn't matter.

This morning out walking Buddy I also saw a woman let her dog shit on our lawn and NOT pick it up so I yelled over at her, Hey! Aren't you going to pick that up and she acts all dumb and goes, What? and I told her, Your dog shit on our grass!  and she shrugged, No he didn't!  and quickly runs off! people around here have alot of nerve, the ignorant inbred rednecks! I'm also even more sure now I probably most likely do  have Addison Disease as well with my skin hyper- pigmentation as now after only a couple of days out in the sun I get a deep, dark brown tan whereas before it would take hours a day over a period of 2-3 weeks to get the same result, so that's pretty telling, but it's a GOOD side-effect, accelerating my tan, and yesterday even my eyelids got all sunburned and you'd be surprised how much that actually hurts! My mother also has this really annoying habit of always turning off the furnace when I go outside and leave the door open( only a crack so Buddy can go in and out as I'm not getting up every few minutes to keep letting him back in and out) but the problem is she doesn't tell anyone it's turned off and then she forgets to put it back on  and then it still gets really cold( below 0 C) overnight and it gets really cold, so I wonder if there's some way we can move  the thermostat up higher on the wall, up out of her reach( as she's short, under 5 feet tall) so she can't  reach it and turn it off anymore; sort of like Child-proofing your house, only for her...

As well, for the past couple of days the 13 YR old has been really unusually good, staying out of my way and NOT being annoying,provoking, shit-disturbing,sassy to me, and teasing Buddy like he usually does so either my hubby or mother must have had a talk with him and told him to stay away from us or something, but I have to admit it's been nice,and my stress-leval has gone waaay down I can really notice the difference, except as well my mother also took over,too, like she always does,and told me, no, ordered me, to not have anything to do with him anymore, too, such as no longer wake him up in the mornings, or get him ready for school, or remind him about his chores, or cook his food, etc...totally cutting me off, and inserting herself and completely taking over everything like she always does, and remarked that she's ALWAYS had to "pick up the slack" and "fix all the mistakes" (indicating mine) cleaning up after my mess, etc... when in actual reality she just swoops down and takes over because the way  do things and parent my  kids isn't to her liking, to her satisfaction, or the way she would do it and she's very dominant and controlling.That's actually what destroyed our relationship,too; once I had kids of my own she over-stepped boundaries and interfered and I bristled at it so we clash.

The other day I also noticed the 16 YR old was grooving to a song I had on (Metallica's Enter Sandman (I can still remember back in the 80's when they were really Metal,too; now they're toned it down and are more "tame" in their age, but I prefered it before,actually) and I thought it was funny since she always insults and makes fun of the music I like (mainly Reggae, Rock,and Blues) as she listens to thay gay "Pussy" Pop crap, but there she was, bobbing her head, smiling, and grooving along to it and when I pointed it out she was shocked and instantly regained her composure, as if I had caught her off-guard,Oh,no! I CAN'T like the same music as my MOTHER! That's blasphemous and goes against the rules of being a teenager! That's just NOT COOL!!! and she quickly denied it, despite the tell-tale little smile she still had on her face, and it was like a BONDING MOMENT and I felt connected to her again, almost like the Old Days and it felt good. My mother also saw the term Deadheads  and didn't know what it meant ( fans of the band The Grateful Dead) and I couldn't believe it, afterall, she's from that generation, and when I told her and added, You should have known that; you would have been cool  in the 60's!  she replied, I was never " cool."  Just like me; the closest thing I've ever come to being "cool" is smoking weed.

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Wednesday Words.

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