Tuesday, April 14, 2020


This is an old photo of my hubby and his brothers when they were little, back in early 70's. Can you guess which one my hubby is? I couldn't tell but guessed(correctly!) based knowing the siblings' birth order so based on the ages and sizes it appears in the photo(knowing he's the second-youngest) I was able to correctly deduce that he's the one in the checkered shirt and his older brother( who I got the photo from) said I was right.  It's sad though how none of them are smiling though and all look so glum, even angry, probably mad they had to stop playing to pose for a photo( ha ha) but his youngest brother just looks soooo adorable! It's odd though too that my hubby doesn't even have any old photos of all of his childhood at all, not even one, whereas I have hundreds, no, probably thousands of photos from my childhood and me as a kid and teen, in all kinds of photo albums ( yeah, go ahead and laugh, I know, I'm that old!) and we have tons of our kids from when they were little,too and I thought everyone had millions of childhood photos, that it was just a thing and I just find it very odd that he doesn't, maybe even somewhat sort of disturbing in a way, and his brother said it's their sister that has a bunch of them.

The other day my hubby and the kids were upstairs playing board games(and I don't get it either why it's such a big deal that  don't play games like they do but they don't hassle my mother even though she doesn't either) and I was down in the livingroom listening to my music and I heard a really loud( even thru my headphones!) violent cough that quickly turned into loud violent alarming  choking, and not only choking but quickly turned into choking with a tell-tale stridor, indicating something is stuck  in there and struggling to breathe, a sign of suffocation, and I inquired what was going on Is everything ok up there? Is someone choking? ( so, is it actually like a real emergency  here and I have to haul my ass up  there and maybe even perform a Heimlich ( and NOT the first  time I've had to do it,either!) or call 9-1-1, or, like am I just imagining it or are they just fooling around up there?) and my hubby replied, Nobody YOU care about!  indicating himself ( as it turned out he had drank from his water bottle and accidently squirted it down the wrong hole and WAS aspirating on it!) and it made me really hurt and sad, as even though he is  a colossal asshole  and does disregard me and treat me like shit I still don't wish anything bad to happen to him or want him to die;  that's just mean, and I wouldn't wish that on anybody, not even on Trump; as much as I can't stand the guy I still don't want him dead; just out of office! As for my hubby, he still has to watch out though as it's sort of like he had a near- drowning and hours, or even days, after, you can still have "Secondary" drowning, where you basically suffocate from the water still retained in your lungs that your aspirated from before....

This is also a recent photo of 3 of my cousins, all siblings, the ones that grew up with their own horses. I can still remember when they were little kids and we'd visit eachother. I even remember when they were babies. The oldest one (with glasses) is just 9 years younger than me and there's 2 years between them. The oldest now has 2 kids and is a legal Assistant, the Middle Child ( in black) has 3 kids and owns a hair salon, and the Baby has 4 kids and owns a couple of restaurant franchises. it's neat too how he met his wife: she's a friend and worked with his sister, the middle one, and she introduced them, saying  to her, I really think you and my brother would get along well! and the rest, as they say, is history...The oldest one is also the one that I gave all my Barbies too when I turned 13 and it was a couple of big suitcases full of barbies and supplies like clothes, horses, inflatable furniture, etc. and she was beyond thrilled and when she and her sister were babies my aunt gave me  their old clothes for my dolls.

It was funny as well and shows how smart Buddy really is,too: The 13 YR old was teasing him with a towel, swatting it back and forth in front of him( I told him NOT to do but he just ignores me) taunting him and he was barking at him warning him to stop but of course he wouldn't because he's a little shit-disturber just like his father so Buddy decided that he'd had enough and he lunged for it and grabbed it in his mouth and snatched it away and just took it OFF him and ran away with it, so he couldn't tease him with it anymore and even the 13 YR old was impressed with his ingenuity! That's one smart dog! He solved the problem; just take it away!  The 23 YR old also left yesterday and it took her 8 HRS  on the train ( Canada is a biiig country!!) shit.... you can fly to Europe  in that same time....and now we also have a leak in the ceiling on the second floor now,too as well as in the kitchen so this one must be from a water pipe somewhere and not the roof like the other one because the roof is up above the THIRD floor...

As for the most vulnerbale to the Coronavirus, it's elderly and those with compromised immune systems and those with other underlying medical issues so that would make me, my mother, the 16 YR old,and the 22 YR old most at risk in our family: me due to my poor health and all my medical issues, esp, my breathing issues, my mother with her age and poorly-managed diabetes, the 16 YR old with her asthma, and the 22 YR old being a cancer survivor, and my hubby likes to say if I got it how I'd drop off like a fly and yet I have survived numerous things that potentially could or even should have killed me; many medical issues, rare disorders, several surgeries, childbirths, hemmorages, suicide attempts, etc. and I'm still here. I've endure alot but I'm a survivor. I'm a tough old bird and it takes alot to kill me.Statistically, yes, I'm high-risk butthe way things go for me I'd also be the rare one that would get it and survive it despite it the risk, and probably also because I don't care if I die,either, and, in fact, for me it would be a blessing. 

I also went to the pharmacy yesterday to get my pills my hubby had ordered for me earlier and these weren't on prescription (they were Buscopan but you have to get them at the pharmacy not over-the-counter) and so I went to pick them up and they said it would cost 53$ and I'm like Holy shiiiit, what the f*ck?  53$? No way! I'm not spending 53$! How many did you order and apparantly they were basing it on an old prescription of mine I'd had for 3 pills a day.... and I was like, Well, I can't afford that many, I have to pay for this with my own $$$$(as it wasn't prescription this time) so I only take them when it's REALLY bad and I'm desperate; just give me about 20$ worth..... so then they had to un-do it all and re-do it and it took friggin' forever....and I had to stand there and wait and I was so sweaty I thought I was going to faint......come on, what takes so long to just take some pills out and put them back and give me the container?How long does that take At least this time they didn't charge me for the bag; they asked if I wanted one and my usual reply, Not if I have to pay  for it! and she goes, We're not charging anymore (due to the pandemic?) so I agreed. I will NOT pay for a bag based on the principle(that, plus I'm also broke) as I don't think you should have to pay  for a bag; it should be included as a service and not charged for, plus I will not support the Enviro agenda,either, which I do not believe in.
I'm just so difficult(and cheap!). HA! But I also won't be taken advantage of or cheated.

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