Saturday, April 11, 2020


I had this thought: I wonder if Jesus will come back soon, with all that's going on in the world today, with the pandemic, and signs of the Last Days, not only with plagues but also with increased wars, natural disasters and extreme and unusual weather patterns forecasted in the Bible Book Of Revelation but He also said that He would return the same way He does that mean during Easter-time(which is right now, or in Jerusalem, or on a cloud( just as He ascended on a cloud will He also return descending on a cloud?)....or all of them? Tomorrow is Easter Sunday and that combined with everything else it just all seems co coinciodental and so prophetic almost, so maybe He'll come back tomorrow? Wouldn't that just be awesome? That would make it the best Easter ever if so! Also significant: this month all 3 major religions ( Christian, Islam, and Judaism, all of which have origins in the Holy Land ) have their 3 major holy days: Easter, Ramadan, and Passover coinciding at the same time so that may also have some significance, just makes me wonder, esp. with all these recent "rumblings" going on, it just feels like something's being stirred-up...could this year, 2020, be The Year perhaps, for Jesus, for Judgement, for a major shake up in the world? But it also concerns  me too as it was also forecasted that in these times that no one will be able to buy, sell, or trade without the Mark of The Beast , which, of course, God's People will reject,  and it got me thinking: I wonder if The Mark  could even end up being something like a vaccine against the Coronavirus and you'll need some sort of proof that you're immune before you can access anything? Might that be it? It just makes me wonder....

As well, last night in bed I had this really bad pain in my upper thigh(and later today I also had the same thing on my left arms,too), on the right side, at the back of my upper leg that hurt so bad I couldn't even move , you know the kind of pain, blinding white-hot pain that  shoots thru you and just makes you gasp, wince, and suck in your breath with the pain, and all I could do is just lay there and hope and pray that it passed and didn't last long or get worse( and thankfully it didn't) because there was no way I was going to be able to get to sleep with pain like that it was so shockingly bad and it just came suddenly out of nowhere and then it just left and I have no idea what it was. I also had back and abdonemal pain so bad yesterday too it felt like my abdomen was pulled and stretched out and torn and then like it was being filled up and growing and pushing on something. It was awful. I'm so broken and delapidated.  My family also doesn't seem to understand why I always go off by myself and do my own thing and have my own interests and rarely engage in events with them or share their interests but I'm sure it has alot to do with my Asperger's, being a loner, and growing up an only child and having to entertain myself and being by myself and preferring to be alone and not being able to relate to ,connect with,and bond with other people and basically just preferring to be alone. I just prefer to be by myself.

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Pondering For Today.