Friday, April 3, 2020


I got it, another re-newal for my medical marijuana prescription and my treatment plan is shown above here. I had my video conference calls ok; I had 2 of them; one with the co-ordinator or whatever she was and then one with the doc. The first one was 40 minutes, getting all the background and such and then with the doc later it was under 10 minutes. I liked the first one more as she seemed nicer and I felt more at ease with her but the doctor rubbed me the wrong way and she was very cold, clinical and abrupt, and she was going over my other prescription meds (I have 5) and when it came to the Atenolol she asked if I have high BP and I replied, Yes....that's what I'm on the Atenolol for.... and she said people can also be on it for other reasons, too....oh, ok, and then later when I told her cholesteral med I added( remembering the Atenolol incident) I'm on that one for high cholesteral.... and she dryly sniffed, I know  what it's for! I prescribe it myself and there I was, thinking, Holy f*ck, lady! Geez....maybe YOU need to smoke a Big Fatty and chill out! A bonus,too: they increased my daily dose from 1 gram a day to 3 grams a day due to my worsening and increasing pain. Not that I can possibly afford  that much but it's nice to not have a limit imposed on me by the supplier if I need more at times. They also said I can claim it on my income-tax as a medical expense which is something I never knew before and wish I knew 5 years ago when I first started!

Yesterday was also a glorious 15 C and now I have a sunburned face, and no more blood in Buddy's shit anymore so once again I think it seems to point to something he must have eaten, and I noticed my baby brand-new oil( that I was saving to use to make suntan oil by adding iodine; an old family recipe) was empty; the empty bottle on the bathroom counter, even though I hadn't even opened it yet, so someone had, and either used it all or threw it all away to piss me one fessed-up either but I'm mad  someone would do this to me and leave me hanging like that; what if I went to make my oil and there was none? It's a good thing I noticed now when I did so I can go buy more before I need it. What asshole takes something( and not only a bit  either but the entire bottle) without asking,anyway?  Yesterday morning my nose was bleeding too but only on the one(left) side, the same side that for months now always feels swollen and blocked and I can no longer breathe out of, and this morning I woke up with a blinding headache again so I figured likely my BP but I checked it and it was ok and then shortly after my nose started to run, so that's it; I'm getting a cold. My hubby taunted it's the Coronavirus  except with that you don't get  a runny nose or nasal congestion; just a fever and cough; that's the difference. I also had this either flashback of a past-life or vision of a future event, of me on a ventilator and on life-support,too, and how vivid the memeries still were and how scary it was.

I also always had this knowing that I would hear Stairway To Heaven  right before I die,too, only I've heard that song every day  now for the past 4 days in a row so I don't know what that's supposed to mean; if it's a strong hint that it's NOW, or if it doesn't "count" because it was 4 days in a row and not just the once...????? I have always felt like I'm a spirit "trapped" in this physical body as well for my entire life, and always desperately longing to break free and just be set free and float away, and I had a "revelation" of sort that told me what it was that happened 2-3 years ago when I thought  I was being electrocuted by the heated blanket: I had a little stroke. That's why one-half of my face looks "droopy", incl. the one eye, my nose on the one side(right) looks crooked, and my mouth on that side hangs downward, and I slur certain words now too, and I still remember the episode clearly and that when I felt like I was being "electrocuted" and I could literally feel the energy being drained out of me and I could feel myself getting weaker and weaker and fading away and how I couldn't see anything or move or speak but I still could was because I was dying; I was in the actual process of dying , but yet for some reason I didn't "go all the way" and I drifted back, confused as to what the hell just happened to me but it was an experience I will never forget and I can still remember in perfect clarity and detail to this day, and later on after I'd tested the blanket and it was fine and I determined I was, not, in fact, electrocuted( but that's what my body felt  like  during the episode, like when you touch an electric fence and it all tenses up and you can feel the surge of electricty just running thru every fibre of your body from head to toe, coursing thru and you feel yourself getting weaker and can feel your heartbeat getting weaker and weaker and weaker... that's what it felt like, and I decided it must have been either a small heart attack or stroke even though I didn't ever have any chest or head pain....

Here is the latest pic of Buddy, just because he's cute and he loves posing for pictures. Now the province is issuing 5000$ fines if you don't obey the 6 feet social distancing laws so we no longer have freedom of mobility, which greatly violates our freedom and the PM wanted to envoke the Emergency Measures Act (which is basically invoking Martial Law) and the provincial Premiers all voted against it, thank God, at least for now. Schools are also closed until at least May  now too, but it's just public school so it's not like they're going to really miss anything anyway, and they said to do gov't online lessons and suggested only 3 HRS a WEEK for highschool grades! Whaat? In our homeschool even the younger grades do 3 HRS a DAY!!! Home isolation is nothing for me though since I'm always at home, I just miss church and the kids miss their activities but we're usually at home anyway so it doesn't really bother us, but the ones I feel badly for are that people's March Break and Easter will be ruined, and for cancelled vacations,  Graduation, Prom, baptisms, First Communion, Confirmation, wedding, etc. important milestones and one-time life events. It's just not fair. These things are important  to people and they have worked or planned hard to achieve them.

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