Wednesday, April 8, 2020

My Fat Ass.

Well, the day has finally come; my fat ass has finally broken my reclining lounge chair I sit on outside. I was leaning back in it yesterday when I heard a loud craaank! sound and plunged down a few inches lower and I looked and a screw had fallen out. My fat ass had broken my chair, just like I did on my wooden kitchen chair at my place-setting at the table and a couple of the rungs had fallen out and now it's all wobbly and weak and on the verge of collapse....Luckily it was a quick and easy fix though( just put in new screws and whatevers) and my hubby came out and fixed it(but at first it didn't work and it just sat upright like a regular chair and wouldn't recline back so he had to re-do it) before more damage was done by my fat ass and my chair was saved. usually he couldn't be bothered to help me or fix my stuff or he takes his sweet time in doing it but I guess this time he figured it was better than the costly alternative of having to buy a new one if not because those things aren't cheap. Good thing the kids don't know about it though( at least not to my knowledge anyway) or else they'd be cracking jokes like Ha, ha! You're above the 200-something weight limit! even though I know I'm not. Buddy also yelped when he was trying to shit and then again once after when he was laying down but seems ok otherwise and no blood in his shit so I don't know if it might be his spine starting to act up again like it did a few years ago or the arthritis in his hip, but he was shaking when I picked him up, which is a sign a dog is in alot of pain so I held him and pet him for a long time and then he settled down. The 13 and 16 YR olds also walked in when I was expressing his anal glands(which appear to be impacted as one side is swollen, so it might be that,too) and she goes, Ewww, what are you doing? it was funny.

I am also atarting to get 8 little seedlings sprouting from the 14 sunflowers I planted in the windowsill so far, and with the churches all shut down with the pandemic the 16 YR old said she's so glad and her prayers have been answered as we don't have to go to Mass 3 days in a row this week for Holy Week  like we usually would for Holy Thursday, Good Friday and for the looong Easter Vigil Mass Saturday night(which is like 2 HRS long) she always dreads but for me it's sad and will feel really weird, and I had this dream that Jesus will return soon, it seemed like in this summer, only I'll die before then and also another dream my mother had a heart-attack but never found out the ending if she survived or not....

On the news last night my mother and I also saw something ghastly that will likely stay with me imprinted into my brain for a long time and I will not likely ever forget: it was during the traffic report, reported live from a helicopter, and they were taking live shots of a blocked highway due to an accident between an 18 wheeler and a cyclist....and not only did they show the blocked-off highway but also  the accident scene itself  was in plain view, incl. the actual truck itself and a clear enough view that we both saw ( so I know I wasn't imagining or seeing things!) what looked like a big black "star"-shaped thing(remember it was from a distance) sitting up, slumped over, folded in half, underneath, in front of one of the truck's tires, folded up, with 3 pointy things on the top(head and arms) and 2 below(legs) and I thought to myself, What the hell IS that, a body and she noticed it too and made the same observation, and we both quickly realized that it was; that it was the crumpled up BODY of the cyclist who had been hit by the truck, who had been wearing all black, that we were seeing on scene, before the cops arrived to cover up the body, and the camera must have realized it too because as soon as we saw it the camera angle quickly pulled away and off it and switched to another shot. Holy shit though, WTF, and I have always said watching this live coverage I wonder if we'll ever see an accident or anyone get hit by a car? Well, apparantly YES, I guess so......Oh, my God!

I also found out the other day that the song Fight The Good Fight  is actually by Triumph and all this time I thought it was by Rush! Both Canadian bands, and both with similar style and sound( and both with 3 guys in the band) but imagine that! I like them both though,and usually Canadian bands suck but these ones are good, along with April Wine but I never could understand how everyone loves The Tragically Hip; they suck and are one the worst I never did like. I also always seem to almost feel a sort of guilty just for being alive,and I'm not exactly excited to ever be a grandmother later either like most people are, mostly because I don't want to become one like my  mother is; over-stepping boundaries and ruining ( or worsening, in my case) relationships with my own kids due to it by interfering with their parenting styles , rules,and discipline, and I also don't want to "ruin", emotionally "damage" or "harm" my grandkids like some of my own kids seem to think I did to them, either, plus I also had enough crap with my own kids and I no longer have the patience to put up with more shit from kids, esp. now that I'm older; I've already been there and done that and served my time and now it's MY time to just relax and try and enjoy a nice peaceful quiet life.

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