Wednesday, April 15, 2020

No Respect.

This is one of my expensive Blue Mountain Pottery vases( we have a few of them, very popular in the 70's and they no longer make them anymore) that one of the kids broke. Awhile ago I noticed one of them had damaged it and it had a crack in it and I'd warned them to leave my stuff alone as they're always disrespecting my shit and breaking and ruining my things and now they went a step further and broke it completely. I woke up yesterday morning and found it like this and no one confessed( and the 13 YR old said the 16 YR old did it which, of course, she denied) but obviously somebody  did it; it doesn't just break into pieces like this on it's own; it was either carelessly knocked over, had something thrown at it, kicked down, or whatever, but they are always disrespecting my stuff and I'm sick of it. I'm just heartbroken to see this and what's even worse  is that they just don't care. They don't give a shit. They have no respect and just don't value other people's property(esp. anything that belongs to me) and sometimes I even wonder if they ruin my stuff on purpose just to set me off because they know it upsets me. They always do mean things like this to me and then they actually wonder why I think my family sucks and wish that I could just go back and un-do the entire thing.

The house behind us also sold in under 2 weeks( they've had lots of different people living there since we moved in 17 years ago; it's been bought and sold so many times I've lost count) and I'm glad as the father there is an asshole; every time I hear him out there he's always demeaning and yelling at his poor wife ( he reminds me alot of my hubby actually) and I always feel so badly for her, and the other day I got this sudden sharp stabbing pain behind my left eye as well so bad it felt like I got shot and bad back and abdomenal pain so bad for the past 2 weeks or so now daily and now my stomach hurts too so I wonder if the ulcer is back again,too?  It also got suddenly really round and bloated too (I look prego!) I wonder is either fluid accumulation or even filling with blood and I'm pretty sure I have Addison Disease as well since I have all the symptoms so I'll mention it to my doc when I see him next month and have him check for it, assuming, of course, the app't isn't cancelled due to the pandemic and I ca still go to the lab and get my bloodwork done....

This  is also what I woke up to this morning- no joke- it snowed overnight and this morning everything was all coated in the middle of April, in spring! Now our little red tulips and our one daffodil that have bloomed are all dead now and I took this photo because no one would believe me otherwise, and just yesterday Buddy and I were sitting outside! WTF? My hubby on the way to get some groceries(they're only letting one person per family into the store now and it has to be him since he has the car and is the only driver) also announced, I'm off to stand in the Bread Line  which just about says it all; having to line up to buy food and that's how the pandemic has affected me the most; shortages of basic necessites and having to line-up for basic goods like in some backwards nation, and the 25 YR old and I were arguing over the song Bad Boys ; he said that Inner Circle did it first and I was sure that Bob Marley did since he died in the early 80's and Inner Circle's version wasn't released until it was in some movie in the late 80's, so how could theirs have been released first.....but I did research on it and it turned out he was right: they were formed in 1968 and originally released the song earlier only at the time it was a minor, undiscovered song and only later in 1989 when it was re-released for a movie(and then later for a TV show) did it become popular, so actually Bob Marley's version wasn't  the first, as it appeared,but rather the most recognized, which just goes to show once again that things aren't always as they seem,and even when you think  you're right it doesn't always necessarily mean that you are, even if you're really sure of it.

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