Tuesday, April 7, 2020


This is my neighbour's house( D's old house) where the windows are all decorated in chalk by their 4 kids, in isolaion like everyone else, housebound with the Coronavirus. You can't really see it (and I didn't want to get up too close in case they saw me and appear like some kind of creepy stalker, pervert, or burglar or something and have them come out and confront me( and they know me,too, making it even more awkward) or calling the cops on me or something) so I just took this shot quickly from the sidewalk out front walking Buddy, secretly, when I thought no one was looking, nonchalantly,spy-style so it's as close as I could get, and I don't have a zoom lens on my iPod.  Up close it looks really  nice and colourful though and the kids did a really good job; it looks almost like a church's stainglass windows-style, with bright colours and shapes and they have cheery messages written of Hello! Stay safe! etc. with what appeares to be sidewalk chalk and my first though was, of course, as a mother, and I thought to myself, Well, that must have taken them a long time to do; smart idea Mom, have them do that and keep busy and out of trouble and out of your hair for awhile... good idea as it occupies the bored kids( and kids, like dogs, if bored, get into trouble and destructive) and gives the mother some peace, and then also at the same time the kids  are also being creative, doing art, having fun, doing something constructive (another Mom thought and word again, HA!) and making something beautiful,and something nice for the neighbours to see, to cheer everyone up, so a win-win situation, and I was so impressed by it I took a photo and wrote this post about it even though the odds are they'll never see it, but if in the out of billion chance they're surfing the 'net one time and happen upon it I say to them : GOOD JOB KIDS!!

Yesterday I also got sunburned arms and legs too( as well as face) with 4 HRS in the sun and now fever blisters that itch like crazy all over arms and legs too; I always get every year with the first few sun exposures, almost like some sort of allergy to the sun or something, even though it only lasts for the first 2 weeks of sun exposure after the winter hibernation and then I'm fine, and a weird "metallic" taste in my mouth as well, and bad back and abdomenal pain plus shockingly painful in my right kidney area,too, so bad it hurt with every breath and I feel like I'm going to pass out, abdomean so bad it felt like something was going to explode, and a headache so bad the other day as well I was so dizzy I could hardly walk. I feel like an old broken down jalopy! At least I haven't had any hallucinations in quite awhile though and my guess is it's the bipolar but seems to flare up when I'm under extreme stress ( extreme even for me) such as when I have, say 3 or 4 severe traumas( let's just say, serious medical issue for one of the kids, my hubby going to lose his job, and big financial issue, for example) all at once, at the same time, so overwhelming, esp. all at once, and my brain just sort of "overloads" and short-circuits, as it seems to be during those times it occures. I also think I might have BPD( Borderline Personality Disorder) along with my Bipolar, Asperger's, Social Phobia, and depression as I came across a description of it and guess what? I also fit that,too, as I have all the signs, but it also could be like when I was in Post-Secondary school I remember in my Psychology class reading one of my big fat hardback extremely expensive Psychology books (note to Uni and College students: the most expensive text books you will find are generally Psychology and Art...or at least they were in my case!) describing various mental disorders it also had a type of "disclaimer" stating: to be careful not to diagnose yourself or your friends as it has to be a consistant, ongoing basis over a period of time, and life interrupting, etc. so it could also be that too but it seems I have several  symptoms of several  things so it could also perhaps be a syndrome  of some sort, or just a combination of all sorts of different crazy, or as we used to say when I was a kid, just a mental case.

Now they say the British PM Johnson is in ICU with the Coronavirus too and he's around my age so he must have some other underlying medical issue then to be so severe, such as diabetes or breathing issues, and it also occured to me, How do you know that it's even true? That's just what they're telling  you and what they want you to believe.The media reports a story and everyone just believes it but it doesn't mean it's actually true or it really happened. They just report on what they've been told. Maybe it's all just part of their ploy to scare everyone into submission into accepting Martial Law and the New World Order? They'll be so scared into thinking, It's for our own good, to keep us safe, so we don't get infected..... they'll do whatever the gov't asks, even if it means losing their rights and freedoms whether they even realize it or not, such as NOW, we have now lost freedom of mobility and freedom of assembly not being allowed to congregate or gather in groups of more than 2 people, which basically now then also prevents us from gathering to worship, to have meetings, form unions, to protest, to oppose the gov't, etc....THINK about it....and the easiest way to control people is thru  fear; think about it; how does a pedophile keep his victims silent? Thru fear. If you ever tell anyone I'll hurt/kill your parents/ dog/ fave. toy/ brother/sister/ you,etc.... and so you "play" on that victim's biggest fear to gain total control over them and then you have complete power as you manipulate that fear into getting them into submission so they'll obey without question or opposition and that's what's happening now even though no one sees it. It also states in the Bible Book of Revelation  that in the Last Days  Satan's followers will have the Mark of The Beast  forced upon them and you cannot buy, trade , or sell without this Mark and it got me thinking if maybe it'll be some sort of gov't microchip, or perhaps maybe even a gov't ID of some sort that says you have been vaccinated or are immune from Coronavirus or something? The whole thing just makes me wonder. and just doesn't feel  right. I've always had a sort of "Sixth Sense" about things and the radar on that thing is really going off BIG TIME with this!!

I am also wondering as well: Jesus said that He will return in the same way He left so I wonder if that means on Easter, in Jerusalem, or on a cloud?.....or perhaps all of them? If it's on Easter, then that's just 5 days away, so soon, yet at the same time it really wouldn't surprise me, given the recent events lately,and if so, then I really was right too about my computer being slower then Jesus' Second Coming! as the kids always like to tease me I like to always say, and if so, Easter wouldn't really be ruined this year afterall with everyone quarantined indoors ; if JESUS CAME BACK  THEN IT WOULD END UP BEING THE BEST EASTER OF THEM ALL!! Speaking of Easter, the 23 YR old's coming up but not the 20 YR old, and truth be told, I'd rather have the 20 YR old; she's nicer to me! The 25 YR old also commented to me, You eat alot for someone that doesn't exercise much........   Say What?Uuuh? Excuse me? Who asked you,anyway? smart-ass!  and yesterday I was in the livingroom watching the news and the 13 YR old comes racing in-all red-faced and comes up to the 16 YR old who was sitting on a chair, and smacks her a good one and runs off, and then she runs off after him upstairs, and I'm like Whaaat? What just happened? Did you just hit her? Why did you hit her? You can't hit her!What's going on? Did you guys have a fight? and my hubby and I asked them and they both denied and said it was "nothing" (which it obviously wasn't, but whatever it was they must have obviously worked it out between them( my guess is that she said something that pissed him off - because he has this hair-trigger temper and goes off like a fuse- and he whacked her) and got over it, which is a good thing,too. I've also always known too that I was a spirit before I came here and that's also probably also why I'm so clumsy all the time, always falling, tripping,and bumping into things all the time; mass and gravity is hard to get used to, being confined to a physical body when you're used to being free and flying and floating around, and that wouyld also explain my life-long love and longing for flying,too, and why I spent most of my childhood trying to fly, because I used  to fly and enjoy it, and I remember it and I miss it.

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What The Leaf Said.

1.   Once or twice a little leaf was heard to cry and sigh, as leaves often do when a gentle wind is blowing. And the twig said, "What ...