Sunday, May 24, 2020

Butter Chicken And The Bald Life.

Yesterday I ate one of the best things I've ever had in my entire life:  this Butter Chicken pizza, shown in the photo above. I had been begging my hubby for awhile to go to this gourmet pizza place and yesterday he was in the nearby town and decided to pick some up so he phones me and asks which one did I want the BBQ chicken one or the Butter chicken one, as if he really even had to ask, that's like asking me if I want the vanilla or the chocolate ice cream, I mean, come on, really,don't you knowme, which one do you think?)when Butter chicken( along with chocolate!) is my favourite food! It even had fresh cilantro on it, a bonus( and the only herb I like even more than fresh cilantro is cannabis!) which I haven't had in a couple of years so I was estatic and I even made little grunting noises like a hippo and felt like a sow wallowing in the mud. It could have been my Last Meal and I would have died happy and with a smile on my face. My hubby's oddly been nice to me lately,too, getting the pizza, putting the A/C in my bedroom window( now it's finally hot; it was 26 C yesterday and humid it felt close to 30 C!) without me having to keep begging him or ending up doing myself and putting my back out even more, for example, and it's nice but I also can't help but be suspicious at the same time too because it's so unusual and out of character for him and it makes me wonder if he's "up" to something and setting me up so  I let my "guard" down and then he hits me with something, but I certainly do enjoy it otherwise and it gives me much less stress to not always feel I'm living with an enemy all the time.

The 25 YR old never did go to work with his Bowl cut afterall; it was just a prank on the 17 YR old because she hates it so much and he just lead her to believe he was going to go to work like that to stress her out and mind-f*ck her and she was going to just avoid him yet still be embarrassed(and the 18 YR old even said she'd "disowned" him as her brother with the Bowl cut!) but he shaved it off before work(he went from looking like a dork to looking like a thug!) and says he likes his new bald look and new bald life. I know what he means; being shaved is very liberating, and no worry anymore about Bed Head or having to use styling product and washing hair is super fast and easy and it's great for the heat of summer and just so easy-care. Now with the "pandemic" and salons closed everyone will either be shaved or have long hair and now hair stylists secretly working out of their homes will be the new Speakeasies that people will illegally flock to underground, like in the Prohiobition in the 30's. They just opened up stupid things like golf courses now when what everyone really wants is to get their hair cut!

I also notice my pee is a cloudy tea-colour which reflects on my failing kidneys and my skin looks yellow-ish(even with my suntan!) and I'm always itchy everywhere I thought at first was my peeling sunburn but it's all over, not just on the sunburned parts I then realized is due to my liver issues,  and I also have this big really itchy lump on the back of my left thigh for the past 3 days I at first thought was a bug bite, likely a spider as it's so big( the size of my outstretched hand) but now I notice I also have the same thing starting on my other leg,too and have it on my left upper arms as well only pea-sized and that one hurts, not itches, so who knows? All my arms and legs also feel all weak, heavy, aching and tired,too, so it's a mystery. I also used to be able to spend 4-6 hours in the sun straight but now I can barely tolerate 2 HRS as suddenly the humidity arrived and then I really start to sweat and I almost got sunstroke too and had to get into the shade.

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