Friday, May 8, 2020


Here is a photo of the neighbour's ugly eye-sore fence, the one I told you about, with the backwards wood slats, going sideways instead of up and down like it should be. I took the photo to prove it in case you guys thought I was just making it up but here it is, larger than life and twice as ugly. See what I mean? Weird, huh? This is just part of it on one side of their garage and they're still building more of it all around the other side and the rest of their house. It's just so weird, like a fortress, like they're almost walling themselves in.  It's their property and they can do whatever they want but you have to admit it sure does look awful and every time I go take Buddy for his walk I have to walk past it and shake my head in disbelief and mutter to myself What the f*ck? I also had to take the photo early this morning too, just past 7 am before they were up and outside and would see me taking a photo of their property, like some kind of weird stalker or something, ha, ha. There is never a dull moment in this neighbourhood though, that's for sure, and this is certainly one of those things that makes you go hmmmmm......

This is also My Boy this morning out for his walk and it was a cold - 1 C. No joke and only supposed to get up to 6 C today when the average this time is supposed to be 17 C and just yesterday I was out suntanning and my chest is so sunburned it was peeling and blistering and now I even have these hard scabby bumpy ridgy things along my collar bone,too.....ewww....and at night it seems I alternate between having my window open to have the breeze during the night or having my heater on! Tomorrow is also the 16 YR old's birthday and she turns 17 ( obviously!) and she was born the day before Mother's Day and we went home from the hospital the next day right on Mother's Day too and she was the BEST  Mother's Day gift I ever got,too; a baby, and I'll still never forget the first time I brought her home and walked in the door and the 18 YR old ( age 2 at the time) first saw her and just screamed  and ran off! Ever since then though they've been the best of friends, like twins, and are inseparable, and I'm glad; it's so nice and I'm so happy to see, that 2 of my girls have developed such a close, loving sisterly, best friend bond. Even with the 18 YR old in BC for school(she still isn't too "fond" of BC though and plans on moving to Toronto when she's finished) they still call or text eachother every day. This photo sums it up and has always been one of my faves:

I never had a towel for my bath this morning either as all the towels were gone  and my hubby used the last one this morning for his shower, neverminding that I wouldn't have one for my bath, and when I mentioned it he snickered, Did you do your laundry yesterday? (as laundry's my job) implying it's my own fault there's no towels but I don't run a load thru if it's less than half-full as you have to pay for the electricity and water just the same if you run a full load or half so I wait until it's more than half full as so not to waste $$$$ so I never put it thru yesterday as it was less than half full, and he probably thought by taking the last towel I would be S.O.L and not have a towel; that he "bested" me( as he's always trying to get in these little "digs" at me) except what he didn't  know is I just used my suntan towel  that I had elsewhere I use to lay on and suntan on for my bath instead and just did a load of laundry after my bath so I still had one anyway and by the time everyone else gets up it will be all done and they'll have towels for their showers, so HA!

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