Sunday, May 10, 2020

Happy Mother's Day!

Today is Mother's Day(and for years I used to define myself as a mother but now the kids are older and most of them have grown up I'm not sure how to quite define myself anymore now) but for me it just feels like every other day really as my kids no longer make me home-made cards anymore ( even though they still do for my hubby on Father's Day....) and I still had my laundry to do; the only difference really is my mother and I ordered-in food from our fave. Italian place. Normally we'd actually go there- as in person- to eat but with this over-hyped, overblown lockdown pandemic no one's allowed to seat customers and are open for take-out and delivery only.Not quite the same, but I guess still better than nothing. For my gift from my hubby I got my rose-gold headphones I desperately needed for my music( and more for him actually than for me as I don't mind just listening to it naturally but he's  the one always yelling at me to turn down my stupid music so in a sense he bought it more as a present for himself)  and to enjoy my day the best I can and relax and de-stress I'm also going to sit outside in the sun( whatever I can get that is, it's still pretty cold out there) listen to music, and light one up. Speaking of which, yesterday I was outside hitting the bong and it started to -honest to God, I'm not making this up- SNOW, and at first I just thought it was my stoned ass seeing things Whoa! Look at this; white things falling out of the sky landing on me! Awesome....hey, wait a this SNOW??? but as it turned out other people also saw it too and it was even in the news later, so it really was real and I wasn't just imagining things; we really did  have a snow squall coming thru! WTF? I thought it was supposed to be May?

Yesterday was also the newly-minted 17 YR old's birthday(I have to get used to saying that now and not accidently tryping down "16 YR old" anymore like I'm used to) and did you know that she was born face-up and with the cord around her neck? The 25 YR old also crushed his finger at work yesterday too between 2 metal things ( ouch!!!) but luckily it was at the end of his shift(not the beginning) just before he came home, and my mother's arm is still just as swollen and itchy and still hurts enough she has to take pain pills every 3-4 HRS and it's been almost a week,too. She said originally it was an 8/10 pain and now a 2-3 but it still should be getting better by now, and not still hurt and still be as swollen so she says if it's not better by tomorrow she's going back to the ER but I'll believe that when I see it, and I have my app't at the lab tomorrow too for my reg. 6 month blood work so I can see how much more my liver and kidneys are failing only to have them say oh, it's nothing.... Buddy has also been extra excited and tracking a scent for the past week or so and extra eager to go out for his walks and sniffing things even more and marking his spot and I suspect he's after a hot babe in heat and I think I might have seen his "girlfriend" finally yesterday,too; a pretty  brown and white Shih-Tzu; she was walking across the street and he just stood there, spell-bound and mesmerized and I just knew it was her. She was a sassy little thing too, shaking her ass back and forth! I just knew it that all this time he was looking for a booty-call!! HA! He's a dirty old man!!!

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