Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Here We Go Again!

2 days ago my mother said her elbow really hurt and there was a big bump and it was red and hot and I remembered a few days before that she fell in the kitchen,landing on her walker scraping her arm and got banged up with a few cuts and bruises so I reminded her of that and maybe it was injured from that but the pain was intense and I suggested that maybe it was broken or even a blood clot so she went to the ER and they never even X-rayed it, or did an ultrasound(to check for a clot) ot did a Doppler( to check blood flow to see if any obstructions due to clot) nothing; the doctor just felt it and figured it must be an absess and gave her antibiotics and that was it. Then the next day(yesterday) it had swelled up to more than twice  the size it was the day before and even tumours don't grow that quickly so this is obviuosly something and it reminded me of when I get wasp stings which I'm allergic to and my entire arm or leg swells up and gets all red, hard and hot like that too but the difference is it also itches like crazy too(which hers doesn't) and to such an extent it drives me crawling up the walls and I even wake up at night finding myself scratching rubbing against the sheets, but just in case I said to take a Benedryl  for allergies just in case to see; if it was an allergic reaction the redness and swelling would go down and if not then it was something else......and she did....and nothing(plus I didn't see any puncture marks of a stinger,either), No change, no difference, so I said today she should go back  because there's obviously something that they missed and overlooked. If it is broken or dislocated, for example, she'll need a cast, and if it's (even worse!) a blood clot( which can be life-threatening if it dislodges and travels to her heart, brain or lungs) she'll need blood-thinners, and I never did have faith in the half-assed hospital here in Bumble-F*ck and still remember that time she had the broken wrist and the X-Ray said no and then they called her a few days later when someone else read it and said yes, in fact, a fracture actually did show up afterall, so they called her back in for a cast. I wonder if this is the bad thing to happen to us this May as something bad always seems to happen every May....

Yesterday the 18 YR old also phoned and told me to check in-between the door for a burrito....yes, you read that right.....a burrito, and I wasn't sure I really heard what I thought I did, even though it wasn't a Weed Day  so I asked her to repeat it and sure enough that's what she said ; a off I went and checked and sure enough in-between the doors was a burrito, still warm, so I brought it inside( definitely the strangest thing I've ever found in-between the doors delivered!) and she said she had ordered it from BC and had it delivered to the 16 YR old for an early birthday gift from their fave. burrito place, like the time the 25 YR old's ex GF had ordered him a pizza all the way from California. I also asked her about her haircut asking for a photo and she said she never even had one; it was just a prank the 16 YR old and my hubby set me up for. Those guys really SUCK!  I also realized that the girl I used to be never really did go anywhere; she was always here the entire time, she was just hiding,and not until it was safe(because it will never be "safe") but until she was stronger; once she was older and had endured much and built up more resilience.

Like sunflowers I also gravitate towards the sun, and I might have accidently kicked Buddy out of bed last night,too, I'm not sure, but he was sleeping curled up entwined in my legs and I remember hearing a thump! thud! in the night and him falling out of bed, so I don't know if I somehow rolled over and kicked him out of had another seizure or if he just rolled over and fell out, and also yesterday during the daytime I might have passed out as well as I was sitting outside in my chair reclining when I felt myself "fading" out and Buddy kept barking and nudging me and then I remember waking up still in my chair with him licking me., as if trying to rouse me...I notice my vision is blurry at times too and the abdomenal pain is much worse, I'm all broken and falling apart. The neighbours are also making this really ugly fence all backwards too, with the wood slats going sideways instead of up and down and all together instead of gaps in-between; it looks like a fortress acrtually, like they're trying to wall themselves off from the rest of the neighbourhood and the fence posts they used are way too big,too, like the weight-bearing posts you have at the front of your house, and it looks so backwards and hideous, quite the eye-sore! That guy doesn't know how to build a fence and even I know that's not right! WTF?

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