Sunday, May 31, 2020

I Can't Breathe!!

I can't breathe!!
His name was George Floyd  and those were his last words. His last words as a policeman held him down by his neck, compressing him for several minutes until he died. His "crime?" Being Black.  Being Black shouldn't be a "crime" yet in USA it seems to be( and to a lesser degree here in Canada,too. Racism still happens here although to a lesser degree but it still is a problem and my BFF who is Korean has experienced it worse here actually but for Black people it's worse there yet even here when you hear on the news the cops shot and killed a suspect he's almost always Black and when they handcuff and arrest someone he's always a White guy. Why?) and police are notoriously known for basically hunting and killing Black people, mainly young Black men, and then they wonder why they have such a bad relationship with not only the Black community but why the general public doesn't have faith in them or trust them.
Police brutality and systemic racism, maybe?

So now across cities in USA in response there have been angry riots, looting, arson( they even set fire to a police station sending the cops fleeing, HA!) and overall revolt, anarchy and mayhem.It's like with the Rodney King situation in L.A. only years later. People don't learn and history repeats itself. Violence is never the solution and nothing justifies looting etc. but at the same time this is also how the unheard make themselves heard and the people are hurting and they're angry; tired of oppression , racism, discrimination, and police brutality, and now they are finally rising up, have had enough,and are fighting back.  It's gotten so bad that the National Guard has even been called in, set curfews, and been shooting  on the crowd of angry protesters with tear gas and rubber bullets. It has become chaos and if something doesn't change soon, if they don't stop killing Black people  there is going to be a revolution.

Something needs to be done.
Things have to change.
This is NOT acceptable and the people have had enough.
God is watching.

Remember George Floyd.

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