Thursday, May 28, 2020

I Love Lilacs!

Last night I went for my annual lilac hunt. I like to try and go a few times during lilac season as it only lasts for around 2 weeks but often my hubby doesn't have the time so I usually only get to go once. We drove out to a public area where they grow wild, next to the water along the shoreline abundantly so it's public land and belongs to everybody, incl. me so I picked a big bunch, enough to fill up a big black garbage bag, as shown here. I got enough to fill up 4-5 vases( and how do you pronounce the word vase anyway? My mother and I both say voz yet the kids say that's "wrong" and think it sounds "pretentious" and insist it's pronounced vayz. What say you?) I got some for the livingroom and diningroom and even made up 2 vases for the 17 YR old and my mother's bedrooms and when I came downstairs this morning the entire house smelled like lilacs. It was wonderful; that's one of the best smells in the world and one of my faves.  and I even have a lilac perfume and I've loved them ever since I was a kid and both Babushka and my aunt had lilac trees in their yards. They were a big part of my childhood and hold alot of happy memories only then I would steal them off random people's bushes(what Babushka used to describe me as a bold child) which I still feel badly about today although at the time I reason they have lots and wouldn't even notice but now I only take them from public areas. As a kid I always used to imagine my wedding bouquet had lilacs in them too only I got married in December but maybe my funeral arrangement will have them instead as most people in my family die in May and that's lilac season....

Yesterday my mother also had to go back and have her arm checked and she got it wrong; it wasn't a month her meds were for; it was only a week, and they gave her more again for another week as the swelling is still there, although much less and it's still itchy and now only hurts if you touch it but they said if she stops now it will almost certainly come back and with something serious like a bacterial infection you don't want to fool around. I also don't notice any difference in my bad edema yet with my diuretic doubled in dose yet although it's only been a couple of days although I am peeing alot more though as my body gets rid of all the excess fluid and he also gave me a potassium supplement this time too so I don't get depleted of potassium like I did a few years ago when I first started on the diuretic and my potassium level was almost zero and I had to go to the ER and get potassium IV it was at such a critically low level it was dangeous. The neighbours across the street also have their lawn cut by a professional every week and have it sprayed for weeds too yet even so it still has dandilions and looks just as bad as everyone else's so why are they still wasting all that $$$$? I also heard an ad for Weed Man  on the radio, the weed lawn company, but when I heard Weed Man  I cracked up laughing because that wasn't  the kind of Weed Man I was thinking of!

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