Friday, May 1, 2020

Look Out, Here it Comes!

I can't believe it's already May, and normally it's a nice month, spring, and warm, but for us May is usually a bad month, a bad-luck month where something almost always goes wrong, and something really  bad,too, like someone dies or some other major trauma or misfortune such as a job loss, a major expense with the house or car we can't afford, a major illness or injury, and we had the fire in May, 2 of our dogs died in May, etc. whenever something bad is going to hit us it's almost always going to be in May, guaranteed. Every May my mother and I always get nervous wondering, waiting, dreading, and fearing what's going to befall us every year, hoping and praying we can safely get thru the month without any mishap, or at least without anything too major but we're always on edge the entire month waiting and watching for it to hit. Fact: most people in our family have also died in May as well so the older ones also get nervous every time May comes around( and my mother's turning 79 this year,too) and now Buddy's 14 I worry about him all the time as well and now even more so now it's May as experience tells me if anything's going to happen it'll most likely occur in May. There's always some major stressor in May that keeps us nervous the entire month waiting for it and we can't really breathe easy until it's over if nothing's happened and that's only very rarely....

The sore under Buddy's eye(which started off last summer I think as a hard rubbery- lump that was itchy and he kept scratching and popped and a copper-coloured gross-smelling liquid came out of  and seemed to be a cyst or something at the time) is also much worse now because when it scabs over and heals it also gets itchy and he scratches it with his claws and rubs it on the carpet splitting it open and then it gets all oozing and infected and I have to clean it and put antibiotic cream on it and the cycle just keeps on repeating itself so it never gets to heal and now it's so big and so deep it opens up, almost like a pair of lips, and goes deep into his face. It's really deep and gross now and it wories me,too; is it even perhaps a cancer  that's growing and spreading and eating away at his face? I can only imagine how painful  that must be and I know  it hurts him by the way he cringes, stiffens up and winces when I clean it; he lets me and doesn't bite me because he trusts me and I think he must know I'm trying to help  him (and hopefully it does feel better afterwards) but I can tell it really hurts him, the poor guy. The scabby thing( or whatever it is) is all thick, black, and crusty,too and it looks really gross and smells really bad. My poor boy.

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