Thursday, May 21, 2020

Pandemic Haircut.

I can't believe he actually did  it! OMG! The 25 YR old really did cut his hair into a dorky Bowl cut! He was tired of his hair all grown out, long, shaggy and in the way during the "pandemic" and with barbers and salons closed up he said he was going to do it just to bug the 17 YR old because she hates  Bowl cuts and it really annoys and irks her so yesterday just to prank her he actually went ahead and did it for real! He wouldn't let me cut it even though I used to cut everyone's hair when they were younger and I don't do that bad a job but all of a sudden it's not "good" enough for them anymore. When I first saw it I couldn't believe it and I laughed so hard I spit my drink out of my mouth and almost peed myself laughing. I think he looks like Mo from the Three Stooges  or Kim Jong Un. She, however, didn't think it was so funny and was even mad and kept saying how horrible it was and refuses to even look at it and doesn't even want to go back to work with him tomorrow either(she's off today) too embarrassed to admit she's related to him or even knows him, but he's  the one who has to walk around in public looking like that! I don't care; it's his  hair! He's always been a jokester and prankster and goes out of his way for a good prank but this is by far the "worst" but who knows, maybe he'll start a new trend? I wonder what the others at work will say? I think it also sort of looks like a mushroom but I can imagine the guys at work will "rib" him and probably call him Dickhead or something....

Speaking of Coronavirus ( the 25 YR old calls The Big ' Rona) it's likely that the Edmonton Boys  also had it back in November,too as they were both really sick the same time their boss was too and he tested positive for the virus as did his niece who was also on a vent, so it's pretty likely that's what they had,too, only it was just before  people were aware what it was and at the time they just thought it was a bad Flu. Here in this town only 50 or so people even had it and only 5 died and all the others recovered,and that's in a town of some 50 thousand people, so it's really not as bad as they're trying to make it seem and even in Toronto they only had something like 2000 cases out of a population of over 2.5 million.Hardly a pandemic yet they're making it out to be like the Black Plague that killed something like 2/3 of the population of Europe. Yesterday I also woke up with one of my bad headaches again and that one felt like a high BP headache( I can tell by how they feel the different kinds; such as migraines, or sinus, or when the barometric pressure falls and it's going to rain, or from high BP, an oncoming cold, etc; they feel different depending on the cause) so I checked my BP and sure enough it was high: 153/86 ( normal is 120/80) so I took an extra pill.

I also saw a fire truck park in front of the neighbour's house again but this is a common occurance on our street even though not something you normally see every day but the fire chief lives across the street and they stop by honk their horn and he hops in and they drive off as they pick him up for work. My guess is he probably lost his own license for drunk driving....I often see him out there drunk off his ass raging, yelling, and when his wife was still alive you'd see and hear them out there on their front lawn yelling and fighting and he'd be hitting her around and he'd often also be sitting out on the front lawn naked in his garden chair for the whole world to see. The next-door neighbours are big-time alcoholics too as every week their recycling bins are always full of empty vodka bottles too( at least a dozen) plus dozens of beer cans and the guy across the street,.too I saw at least 12 cases of beer piled up in his garage...all kinds of crazy rednecks in this town....holy shit.... my hubby also always accuses me of never listening  too when really it's NOT that I don't listen but that I don't hear but he doesn't bother or care to know the difference.

Also, if I had 3 wishes I would wish:

- I wasn't ugly
- Someone could love me and that I could find love
- My dog could live forever

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