Monday, May 4, 2020


Last night the power was off for 4 HRS. Apparantly a transformer caught fire and power went out for 4000 people, incl,. us. The first I noticed was we were watching the news when all of a sudden it just went off, and I was like, Hey! What the f*ck? and then my hubby(I think it was) noticed that everything  had also went off, that the entire power was off,and at about the same time the kids all come running downstairs saying the Internet was out ( that's one way of getting everyone downstairs quick) and their computers were out, and that's how we knew and then they went up and down the street checking with neighbours to see if it was just us and the entire street was out(and it was really windy too, so probably had something to do with that; power lines were probably knocked over) and then we later learned a transformer was on fire. Once the sun went down near 8:30 and it got dark my mother and I went to bed as at that point you couldn't do anything; not even read and my hubby and the kids got in the car and drove into another town and got pizza. I was originally going to post a bunch of funny memes up here today but the plan was to get them all copied, set up and organized last night but I never could due to no power, so I'll have to do that sometime later today and have it posted tomorrow instead.

Yesterday the 25 YR old also either said or did something to the 16 YR old (he's always doing stuff like that) so she locked him outside but he somehow found another way back in, and this kind of thing is so common that when the 13 YR old told me she locked him outside my automatic reply was, What did he do  to her? I'm sure he must have done something  to deserve it... and she turns 17 on Saturday,too, like that Stevie Nicks' song The Edge of Seventeen  I like and that's such a special, "magical" age,too , I think; on the brink of adulthood,close enough to seriously think about, dream about,and plan your future, yet still immature enough to be a kid; in-between,where you still don't have to fully commit to either one and can still go back and forth, living in both worlds for awhile. My hubby was also giving either Buddy or I ( I'm not sure who as we were both sitting together) the coldest, most evil, spine-chilling, hardest, hateful, piercing,malicious stare I have ever seen,too, the kind psychopaths give that gives you chills up your spine,trying to intimidate, over-power, scare, and make turn away......except I didn't; not only did I give him The Look  right back, I stared him down and made him look away in defeat! It was as if my power was growing stronger and his was diminishing as I increasingly stand up to him and don't take any of his shit anymore, and don't back down and let him get away with imtimidation, bullying, abuse,being threatening, domineering, controlling, etc. I'm done with all his crap.  I also got a really bad sunburn on my back so I couldn't lay down in the bath as it really stung and hurt in the warm water so I had to sit up and I couldn't lean back and wash my hair like I usually do either, trying to avoid the sunburn, , so I just had to lean forward and wash it that way instead.

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Today's Thought.