Wednesday, May 20, 2020


Yesterday I transplanted my baby sunflower seedlings(seen in the photos here) outside, where they can take deep roots, develop strong thick wind-resistant stems and grow big, tall,and tall and reach for the sun. The above photo is them in their smaller abode and below is their new  bigger home outside which also has a lid to keep the nasty little critters( squirrels, rabbits, chipmunks, raccoons, etc.) out I put on at night. It's an old doghouse actually I use as a planter. I also put Cayenne pepper all around the plants as a squirrel repellent and a mousetrap in the entranceway, just to be safe.

They have also grown tall but the stems are still quite weak, thin, and floppy so I propped them up with incesnse sticks( since added plastic forks; hey, you use what you have on hand, right?) until they get their own strength. So far they look pretty weak and puny but hopefully will grow deep strong roots and take hold and by the end of the summer end up as tall(or even taller!) than me...... My hubby also monumentally shocked and surprised me( but in a good way!) by all of a sudden starting to have the 13 YR old ( his and my mother's pampered spoiled coddled little prince, like Little Lord Fauntleroy) do work, as in household chores, like all the other kids  have always had to pitch in and help do ( and to get their allowances) but he never did and they always complained about and wasn't fair, and not only that, but hard  labour; yardwork, incl. raking and bagging leaves and even cutting grass! It's about time actually and it's good for him(even though he's furious!) and even my hubby has been stepping-up lately and doing the dishwasher, something my mother is supposed to do but has been lacking and we always have 2 sinks full of dishes piled up sky-high every day (I do laundry, she does dishes and we divide up cooking) and we never had any clean dishes or utensils and I guess he just got tired of it, plus he's always harping about what messy slobs and pigs we all are,too( esp. the 17 YR old and I) even though I still clearly remember when I first met him that his  bathtub had the absolute worst thick black stain EVER; so bad he had to paint  over it and painted the entire tub blue to cover it,and have you seen his cluttered office, so really, what can he say about anyone else being messy?

Just as I suspected the gov't decided to NOT re-open schools until fall, much to the jubilation of kids across the province and when it goes back they're talking smaller class sizes to allow for "Social distancing" (I swear if I hear that term one more time  I think I'm going to implode!!) due to the so-called "pandemic" and even dividing classes up between morning and afternoon sessions....they're really going waaay overboard with this, and my hubby likes to taunt me that I think it's all a "hoax" and I don't; I do  believe the virus is real but I don't  think it's as serious, as bad, as dangerous, or as scary as they're trying to make us believe and panic over; I think they're just trying to scare the public into submission, compliance and blind obedience, like Sheeple, and sadly most of them obey and follow without thinking and without question as our freedoms ( freedom of assembly, worship and mobility) are being taken away. I won't wear a mask either, partly out of protest because I think it's stupid and pointless and also because I can only breathe out of my mouth( as my nose is always blocked despite surgery and several other medical procedures) so how am I supposed to breathe if my mouth is always covered up? My hubby also thinks the 25 YR old may have had the Corona virus back in Dec. too that time he was really sick with at the time what we thought was a blad Flu; he was really  sick and with a bad cough and headache and didn't recover quickly like he normally does and it really took a toll on him and even after he seemed to be better it knocked him down again. It does make you wonder....

Lately I also have these bad headaches that feels like a stabbing pain behind my left eye I figure is probably a sinus headache ( which I also inherited from my mother's father and his sister, and he had it so bad he'd have to go and get his sinuses drained regularly; yuck!) but now I also have the stabbing pain behind both  eyes so now it's twice as bad and I came across a medical article the other day by chance that said if you have bloodclots in your sinus cavity that's one of the symptoms, as well as a constantly clogged nose like I also have too so then there's also that possibility...which, if so, leads to bacterial infection and can lead to sepsis...oh, well, it's always something...there was a racist co-worker at the kids' work the other day,too, calling an Arab a Sand-n*gger and I said I'd hoped they'd told them off as racism needs to be, and should be, called-out but the 25 YR old said he doesn't want to impose his moral views on others but I think something like racism should be confronted, and when my ex-friend(Patti!) made a racist remark( that she wanted her kids to grow up among 'their own kind') I yelled right in her face, You're a f*cking racist!!!!(I am not known for being subtle) That's one thing( along with liars and back-stabbers) I will NOT tolerate and that's racism!

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