Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Glimpses of Summer.

Today is like that Lenny Kravitz song Five More Days 'Till Summer and for me it's already officially summer as I've started wearing my flip-flops. For the first few days it bothered me in-between my toes but then I soon got used to the rubbing and now I don't even notice it anymore. It was also the official summer footwear of my childhood and youth( when I wasn't running around barefoot that is, which was most of the time and still is except when I had to go out somewhere). My friend in Brazil said the best flip-flops come from there, the Havan-something-or-others but they're expensive, something like 30$ a pair and I just get the cheap ones at Ardene's  like 2 pair doe 10$. When I was a kid we used to call them thongs  though although now that word has an entirely different meaning! HA! That's why I laughed so hard that time a friend at the old church( who was like in her 60's at the time) said she was wearing her thongs  and I just about died, trying hard to not visualize that image and she, of course, had no idea what was so funny.. It's nice now too with my diuretic I can finally see my ankles again and I must have lost alot of weight too as all my pants are falling down!

Yesterday I also heard the desperate wailing and calling at regular intervals of a Chickadee and I couldn't help but wonder if it was the mother of that lost, abandoned, hurt baby Chickadee we rescued recently and took to the bird sanctuary and she's desperately looking for and calling for her lost baby, trying to find him and that just made me so sad, but it's about 30 minutes away and I know birds do migrate great distances so I hold out hope that someday soon as he heals and grows up he might be able to find his way back home one day and be reunited with his family.

My sunflowers are also coming along well, growing nice and tall and now even have little tiny baby buds forming in the centre, but I only have 6 survivors left out of the original 14 seeds I planted and 9 plants that sprouted but one of them is "iffy" and might not make it as bugs ate part of the stem....so I may just end up with 5....I have my suspicions as well the neighbours who built a fortress around their house might be soon putting their house on the market up for sale too as they're doing lots of upgrades and such and their veranda even looks "staged" like for those spotless realestate photos so it will be interesting to see if a For Sale sign goes up on their lawn any time soon....what they really need to do though is paint over that hideous diarrhrea-green exterior! Funny,too: the Helix song Rock You  I "re-made" into a parody as F*ck You  and where they go Gimme a R-O-C-K, what do you have? Rock! What are we goona do? ROCK you! I say it like this for a laugh: Gimme a F-U-C-K, what do you have? F*ck! What are we gonna do? F*CK you!  and my mother heard me singing along to it and she actually thought that was the actual lyrics! She goes, in shock, What did they say? Funny,too: my hubby slept in today with a headache( which he rarely has unless he's sick) and he joked I usually give headaches; I don't get them! ( I always say he's the human version of a migraine) and I told him, Welcome to my world! They're not "fun", are they?

Here is also how it looks now by the pool with the fence gone and the trees and debris all weed-whacked and cleaned up. It makes the yard look so much bigger! Cadet camp was also cancelled this summer due to the "pandemic" and the 13 YR old would have been away for 2 weeks and had a nice time like all the other kids did and it's disappointing and for me too as I was also looking forward to the nice break as that kid really "tries" my patience and my nerves more than any of the others and I really needed that "vacation" too, and my friend J in Ottawa said this weekend was the best one he'd had in 3 months since he finally got to go to a restaurant and he's sick of all this "pandemic" bullshit being in lockdown and it felt like being in a Concentration camp  and my friend T (also in Ottawa) had his hair cut and he said he'd never been so excited to go to the barber in his life and my mother and the 13 YR old desperately need their hair cut as well and I heard there's this salon charging a thousand $$$$  a haircut too and not only are people dumb enough to pay it but there's a long line-up and they're booked months ahead! price gouging and it's unethical and just wrong! I think there's a special place in Hell for people like that, that take advantage of others like that. Buddy also woke me up during the night with this weird noise like he was having trouble breathing and I got up so fast and massaged his throat and then he was fine. He always makes these gaaacck and braaacck noises but this one really scared me. I worry about him just like the kids and you can only imagine how nerve-wracking the first YR esp. was for someone with anxiety like me with all the kids; I'd even get up during the night to check to make sure they were still breathing!

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