Sunday, June 7, 2020

Heat Intolerance.

Lately, for the past few days or so I haven't been able to tolerate the sun or the heat for some reason, even though normally I could be sitting out there for hours no problem( and I don't get it either how my hubby complains that all I ever do is sit outside in the sun while all my mother ever does is lay around in bed all day but somehow he doesn't ever say anything or have a problem with that)  but now I can hardly even tolerate an hour even at 20 C and I get all sweaty, over-heated, restless, feeling dizzy, sick and faint,(even at 12 C my body feels like it's melting and acts like it's 30 C) and I have to keep pouring cold water over my head and skin literally every 5 minutes to cool off and I can feel sunstroke coming on (I used to get it as a kid all the time spending all DAY at the beach or at the pool, plus bad peeling sunburns)  and have to quickly get into the cool shade, it's almost as if all of a sudden my body can no longer control it's temperature regulation or something,even though in the Caribbean I'd be able to tan for 2-3 HRS in 30C temps before, so I don't know whetehr or not it has to do with menopause( esp. since I also do have the Hot Flashes  and get hot and sweaty even when it's not hot and no one else feels hot, just me) or my medication change perhaps, increasing the diuretic to twice the original dose( am I dehydrating, maybe?) or the new potassium supplement maybe; perhaps a side-effect is heat intolerance, I don't know, or maybe my declining liver or kidneys are causing my core body temp to be haywire or something, or I'm having an adrenal crisis, who knows, but regardless it really pisses me off because I love the sun, getting tanned and I find it very relaxing, de-stressful and like therapy or meditation; it's how I can relax, de-stress, and sort of "lose" myself and it helps me heal emotionally. Between this and everything being cancelled due to the "pandemic" my summer is REALLY going to suck and be ruined.

As well, I ordered my discontinued Nivea products back in April and it was supposed to have been delivered by Amazon by now and it still hasn't come( just my luck, and f*ck you Jeff Bezos, you bastard, Eat the rich!) making me wonder if a Porch Pirate stole it so I sent them an e-mail inquiring the status of it( yes, as my family would say I'm being a Karen again by complaining instead of just taking the loss and accepting it but f*ck it; I don't care; I paid $$$$ for this and I want my product and I won't be ripped-off! I also posted a scathing review giving them 1 star and saying I never got my order and the seller sent me an e-mail(on a SUNDAY if you can believe it!) literally begging  me to remove my review imploring me they will correct the issue by not only sending me a replacement this time Exprress WITH a tracking number but also refune my $$$$$ so I agreed and removed the review( although I much would have rather preferred to get my item first  to make sure I'm not going to get cheated and then remove the review) but if it still doesn't come the review goes BACK and stays there for good....why do these things always  happen to me though? I do have an unusuallly high incidence of bad luck you can't help but notice or's like I've been cursed or something.....WTF?Seriously!

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