Friday, June 5, 2020


My kids call me Boomer which I know means Old Fart but now them and my hubby also call me Karen  as well and I had no idea what that even meant and then I found it was an insult for a middle-age woman but then recently discovered there was more to it than that, that it actually refers to a demanding, entitled middle-aged white woman who always complains to the waiter, manager, etc. and stereotypically has a short blonde "Bob" hairstyle like the one pictured here. OK, I am white and middle-aged but for one thing I have a shaved head and I am assertive when need be but not unreasonably so, and what are you expected to do, just sit there and say nothing and just silently accept crappy service or shoddy goods? So, if, for example, you order a Diet cola and the waiter brings you a regular one you're not supposed to say anything and exchange it? Or if you're waiting in line at a store to be served and the clerk is too distracted yakking on her phone to her friend and just ignores you standing there you're not supposed to say anything to get her attention? If you didn't get any utensils with your meal you're expected to just eat with your hands for fear you'll be labelled a bitch, a trouble-maker, a loud-mouth, a Karen  if you speak up and say anything? This sounds an awful lot to me like just calling women a bitch just for being assertive, for standing up for themselves, for not putting up with any shit, for demanding to be heard, to have a voice, to make their needs clearly known, to get their point across, you get the idea, to be opinionated, a strong woman, only now the new term for bitch is Karen? If a waier brings me the wrong food I do call him back, politely, but I do call him back, Excuse me, but I ordered a Diet cola and this is a regular... and they exchane it, no does that make me a Karen, or when they ask me at Wal-Mart or the drug store if I want a bag and I clarify( because I don't want to be ripped-off and given an exrta added charge, plus I don't believe in being charged for bags or supporting the Enviro freak movement) Not if I have to pay for it.....yeah....whatever.... in any case I'd much rather be a Karen than be a doormat and have people walk all over me and my family is always looking for new and inventive ways to insult me and put me down, I'm used to it by now, in one ear and out the other......

My mother still never went back to the hospital yesterday either as my hubby didn't have the time to take her( even though it's only literally 2 minutes away!) and a taxi was out of the question because How am I supposed to manage with my walker getting it in the trunk if the driver doesn't help me? etc.... and today she's not going either( she says on Monday, yeah....right....) because she's tired and doesn't feel well only sleeping 2 HRS last night......yeah, well, that's why she has to go to the hospital,because she still has the infection and doesn't feel well; it still hasn't cleared up(and will spread to her blood stream eventually if it doesn't get cleared up completely) yet and that's probably why she's not sleeping either but she's just soooo stubborn I just don't "get" what her issue it and it's not that she doesn't want to wait long as with the "pandemic" there's hardly anyone in the ER anymore and she's in and out quickly and not waiting HRS like usual so it's not that and she can't be "scared" of having it drained as it's a simple procedure and she's a retired medical professional herself so it's not that......I don't "get" her and when I told her I just don't understand her she scoffs, It's NOT for you  to understand! OK, lady, whatever. I'm just sooooo done  with this family!

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