Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Little Baby Birdie.

Sunday evening walking home from work the 17 and 25 YR old found a little baby Chickadee injured on the road with what looked like a broken leg.I don't know if it fell out of it's nest or was trying to fly or what. The 17 YR old noticed it first and pointed it out but was grossed-out and wouldn't pick it up saying she doesn't touch practically dead things but the 25 YR old gently scooped it up and brought it home, feeling badly for the poor broken little thing and he said he was going to hold it in his hands and keep it warm until it most likely died shortly. He has a tender heart, bless him. It's so sweet. It feel asleep in his hand. It showed the difference between the personalities of my family members,too; the indifference of the 17 YR old, the kindness of the 25 YR old and the cold-heartedness of my mother who said to just leave it out in the grass in the backyard for a cat to get since it's just going to die anyway which horrified me.That sounds like something the 13 YR old would do; I can imagine him seeing it there and saying, Hey, little bird! and stomping on it. After a couple of hours the bird was still alive and it woke up and starting pecking the 25 YR old's hand, making little holes, surprisingly strong and painful so I made it a little cozy warm soft nest in a small plastic lidless container where I pulled apart cotton balls. The 25 YR old named it King Chick-A-Dee-Dee-Dee.

When I got up the next morning I really was expecting to find it dead, which I truly dreaded with a lump in my throat, but when I peeked first thing in the morning I was surprised but happy to find it still alive and awake and alert, open-mouthed and loudly sqawking to be fed, so I gave it tiny drops of water from a syringe which it eagerly gulped. I also had the idea of taking it to a bird sanctuary where they would best know how to feed, care for and rehabilitate it and later release it back into the wild so my hubby found one about 30 minutes away and brought it there and they said it hopefully will survive even though it's young and I hope so as I was overly-concerned and worried about it, and it was on my mind all last night it just broke my heart the poor little thing and I feel so blessed we were able to have this experience and so happy it'll hopefully be ok.

This morning Buddy's left side really hurts as well: in bed this morning waking up I touched it and he tensed up and  loudly shrieked, yelled,screamed, yelped, and jumped, he also as a reflex almost bit me too but then realized who it was, that it was me and he stopped himself and looked guilty and sad but I knew he was hurting so I drew him close and soothed and pet him, and I wonder what it is? Did he jump off the couch or chair or something and hit his side on something on the way down and hurt himself or did the 13 YR old kick him or something? In any case he must really hurt because dogs generally hide their pain so I gave him some CBD oil to ease his pain and I hope it's nothing serious but it really worries me. He's my everything, my life-line, my therapy dog, my companion, my best friend, my confidant, my baby, the only one that loves me, etc. I can't lose him. I know that's the one thing I can't bear. He's the only thing that keeps me going, that keeps me alive, that gets me up each day, that keeps me holding on, that gives my life any purpose and meaning.

My sunflowers are coming along and growing taller. I have 6 survivors left. This morning I also had to do a shit at 6 am but the 3rd floor( where my bedroom is) bathroom didn't have any toilet paper so I went down the 2nd floor bathroom but that didn't have any either so I had to go all the way down to the first floor. The 21 YR old also got a new job! She had just been working at the grocery store to pay bills but now has a job in her field and what her degree is in(journalism) she got hired at a marketing company in Ottawa and on her birthday,too!(What a nice birthday gift!) and what's even more amazing is that she didn't even have to apply; they called her! She even requested a higher salary after that too telling them she's worth more than what they offered her and they even accepted! (You GO, girl!) I'm so happy! What good news!

 She's always been really fortunate in life like that; opportunites just always seem to open up and present themselves like that for her, and even with the first job she applied for as a teen she just walked in, applied, and she was hired before she even got back home; when she got home there was already a message waiting for her on the answering machine saying she was hired. She's always been lucky that way, the exact opposite of me. I've always had every door( and every window!) slammed in my face but she has every one opened wide! I just hope she realizes it and appreciates it as it's not usually so easy like that for everyone. My mother also has this cruel habit of putting out chocolates for the family once I've gone up to bed for the night(so I don't even know they're there and don't get any) and by the time I get up in the morning they're all gone, purposely so that I miss out and don't get any and when I mentioned it to her her smug reply was, They last longer that way. WTF? They still all disappear overnight! She's just being a bitch as usual.

I also was checking out rescue dog sites and was shocked to see how intrusive they are to potential interested people; they not only require a detailed form and phone interview(understandable) but also  an in-home visit (I find an invasion of privacy) and a referral from a vet, which is problematic for us since I never "pass" anyone's "inspection" or "test" and never meet up to other people's expectations am never good enough and refuse to "jump thru hoops", plus we don't even have a vet because we simply  don't have the $$$$. It doesn't mean that I don't love my dog or take good care of him; we just can't afford costly vet bills, which are hundreds or even thousdands of dollars, and when we did have $$$$ before all our dogs did get regular vet care, incl. vaccinations, check-ups, heartworm medication, etc. and when our Chihuahua had the cesarian back in the early 80's it cost 800$ but  the difference is we had the $$$ then and could afford it and we don't now, and I know they'd judge me and look down on me and not approve me due to this, even though I would give a dog a good loving home, and it gets me mad they're so picky and judgemental, and they want people to adopt rescues yet they MAKE IT SO HARD TO "QUALIFY". It's just too hard and this is why we always just stick with breeders. You don't generally have to "pass" a test and be approved.With some you do but not all.Adopting a dog shouldn't be as complicated as adopting a child! If they want people to adopt rescues they should make it easier, and cheaper,too; they were still charging 450$! There's something to be said about buying a puppy out of the back of a van at a Wal-Mart parking lot; they mind their own business and just sell you the dog, no questions asked.

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