Sunday, June 21, 2020

My Poor Boy.

My poor boy was in a bad way yesterday. he didn't eat most of the day until much later in the evening finally and he was just laying around all day and he told me he had abdomenal pain( as do I for the past 4 days so maybe it's something we both ate, like meat that was rotten in something we never knew perhaps, either that, or we're both being poisoned?) and also something in his mouth hurt and he was a sorry sad sight to see and I felt so badly for him and I gave him some CBD oil which calmed him down and he settled into a really good sleep and was finally able to relax with the pain gone but would often wake up disoriented(esp. when he'd see the light of cars going by and coming theu the window it would startle him) and lift up his head and look around startled and puzzled and confused and I would pet and stroke him, reassurring him everything was ok and he was safe and that I was right there next to him and in bed at night he sided up pressed up right next tight to my leg to make sure he was right beside me all night and I'd keep waking up every hour or so during the night to make sure he was still ok (and still alive and breathing, like I used to do with the kids when they were babies, terrified of SIDS or like I did  every time they were sick or hit their head and I'd stay vigil all night keeping watch making sure they were ok) so I hardly got much sleep all night . The arthritis in his hip was really bothering him too and he was slowly limping along and his leg even looked like it was crooked and turning in and he came to me indicating for me to massage the hip joint too which I did. Poor old boy. He's 14 which is a senior dog and every time he goes thru a rough patch like this I fear he's near The End and it just breaks my heart thinking I'm watching him go and This is It and all I can do is love him, keep him comfortable and let him know I'm always here for him and will always love him forever. A hopeful sign this morning though: he cheerfully went for his entire long walk and is back to wagging that happy tail!

I've also had really bad abdomenal and back pain for the past few days and so Buddy and I suffer together. We've always been a team and do everything together. He is my side-kick, my co-pilot. Everywhere I go you'll see him trailing along beside me or behind me; we go everywhere together, like a team or a package deal, except for church, shopping and medical app't.s. My mother's newest "thing" now too is saying that I'm "mean" to her and "insult" her when I tell her she has to look out and being old and having a walker still doesn't give her the right to run people over with it. She still thinks that being old gives her the "right" to certain privileges like being inconsiderate, selfish, rude, and the like and when I call her out on it and tell her it doesn't she turns it around onto me ( her specialty she's been doing to me my entire life) she blames it on me and says I'M "bullying" HER. She really is something  and never takes any responsibility for anything either and it's never her fault, always someone else's, usually mine.

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