Saturday, June 6, 2020

On Strike.

I've decided with always being hassled for repeating myself telling the kids to do their chores, their schoolwork, etc. that I'm no longer going to do  it anymore; I'm just going to go on strike and either they do it or they don't but it's not my problem anymore. I no longer care if they do it or not, so what, I'm not going to tell them or remind them anymore, they know what they have to do( mostly the 13 YR old; the 17 YR old's good at doing her stuff,well, except for her chore of cleaning but she's pretty good at doing her school, it's the 13 YR old that always slacks off and doesn't do his work and constantly needs reminding or it doesn't get done) and now if it doesn't get done will just have to face the consequences and it will have to be with my hubby( but he probably won't even care) because it's not my problem anymore; I've washed my hands of it because I'm tired of always being hassled for just doing my job. Yesterday, for example, I did a little sample, a "trial run"; I only told the 13 YR old once (and didn't remind him again after that) to do his math and to do the recycling and I don't know if he ever did his math or not( that will be up to my hubby to deal with when he goes to check it; math's his domain, and he'll soon find out if it's been done or not, but by night time the recycling still hadn't been done and I told my hubby and for once he actually took my "side" and told him to DO it, saying he's not getting the snack he brought back from Harvey's until the recycling's done first and then you better bet the kid hauled ass and got it done!(But the difference is he actually listens  to him though and just ignores me; if I said the same thing he'd just grab the food and eat it anyway without doing the work) Truthfully it'll also be alot less stress for me now,too as I'm tired of always telling them to do things and they just ignore me and blow me off and mouth-off, so now it's no longer my problem  and they either do what they're supposed to or they don't; I really don't even care anymore. I'm done. It's their problem now if they want to end up ignorant or have garbage pile up all over, so be it.  I've had enough and I'm out. I'm sick and tired of always being blamed and never being backed-up or having any support so now it's my hubby's problem; let him deal with it and see how he likes it.

The 25 YR old also commented that my pee Smells so rancid that he can't even go into the bathroom after I've used it  even though I DO flush after, and I know what he means ( it smells like cat piss or a pole cat) but it's still embarrassing to hear and I bet it's due to my kidney issues and also why my pee is always so cloudy,too, but it is a source of embarrassment and shame even though at the same time I also can't help it, and it's a medical issue, and I called the pharmacy yesterday too to renew my pills and they put me on hold forever and played this horrible redneck country music which is the absolute worst music of all( even worse than pussy Pop!) and my ears were practically bleeding and I just couldn't take it anymore and had to hang up and call back later; it was just awful and now I know how a dog suffers hearing a dog whistle, and awhile ago I said I had to get more wrinkle cream as I was running out and it was either my hubby or the 13 YR old(I forget who; they were both there) cracked, No, you have Plenty of wrinkles!!! ha,ha, very funny.....part of me thought it was clever and funny but the other half felt hurt because I've always been "sensitive" about my looks because my entire life I've always been bullied because of how I look.

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