Wednesday, June 10, 2020

The Fence.

When we bought the house 17 YRS ago it already had the 6 foot fence all around the backyard because of the pool (it's the law) but my hubby also put up an extra one in the middle of the yard, separating the grassy part of the yard from the pool area, seen above, to keep the kids when they were younger from wandering off into the pool and accidently falling in and drowning but over the years the ground began to sink and the fence started to lean to one side and now the kids are older( the youngest is 13) and it's no longer the same safety issue it was when they were little so my hubby took down the fence a few days ago, shown in the photo below. Now the yard looks much bigger( and it was big to begin with, and there's still much more that you don't see on the other sides; the sheds on the one side and the other shed and sandbox on the other side, plus the swingset off to the side to where the trampoline is and before with the fence it made it look like 2 yards. Now all he has to do is get rid of all the over-grown trees and weeds etc. that popped up in-between. He started and weed-whacked my peony bush the other day completely chopping it down. What a doofus! I just hope with the fence down and Buddy having access to the other side he can't get loose under the fence somewhere or anything....

I'm also going to try my new vape today and it's 83 % THC too (my old one was 26%) and all it contains is THC and terpenes, nothing else, no additives, and I hope it won't be too complicated for me to figure out as I'm Old School and use joints and bongs although there was a time too I thought I wouldn't be able to figure out how to use a bong either but I figured it out, but I do have trouble with learning new things and my hubby likes to blame my being not-so-smart on the weed too saying that's why I Don't have too many brain cells left even though I was dumb even before I even started smoking weed; it's not the weed; it's just me but he likes to use it( or anything he can) to use against me to try and put me down and belittle me, and we're supposed to get this baad thunderstorm today too and possibly even a tornado and this morning when I got up I could see by the threatening clouds a storm was coming so I hauled ass and got Buddy out quickly for his walk and right on time,too as soon as we got out the first thunder came and as soon as he'd just finished it started to rain! Talk about perfect timing!

Much to my pleasant surprise I actually got  my Nivea order from Amazon yesterday too ,finally, after 2 months of waiting and I'd just finished off the last drop of my old one yesterday,too, after rationing it off and squeezing out every little last drop, and true to their word they did send it Priority, and it came from Bulgaria which I didn't expect,and in just 2 days(you can't even get something delivered from THIS country in 2 days!) and it's in German( as seen here) which I thought was so cool,too, and luckily for me I know German so I know I actually did get the right thing and didn't get cheated substituted with another product, and it was the right product inside,too, and not filled with water or something.....I'm always so suspicious and mistrusting,HA, but my life has made me that way and Friday most things in most areas( except Toronto area!) will be finally opening up most businesses after being locked down for 3 months due to the "pandemic" and I heard one local hair salon is already booked-up for 3 months and they said places of worship can only be 30% full too but I'm always one of the first to show up anyway and I'm never late or walk in last-minute so I'll be OK for church.

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Wordless Wednesday.