Thursday, June 18, 2020

The Kind Of people They Are.

Yesterday I got this notice from the gov't saying I owed  them 300$. At first I got all excited thinking they were sending me  300$ but it was really hard to understand and I couldn't figure out if they were giving it to me or I owed it to them so I gave it to my mother to try and figure out and she said I owed it. F*ck. What? For what? How could I possibly owe them $$$? In any case I just don't have it so there's no way I can pay it and  even if I did I'm sure as hell not giving it to them; they gouge enough $$$ from us as it is. My first thought was it must have something to do with my taxes; usually my mother does it for me (I could never understand how to do it; way too complex for me to figure out, plus all the math and I never could do math, which is why she takes care of my taxes, banking and bills; I give her the $$$ and she takes care of it for me) but this YR she just couldn't do it either; her old-lady brain was too addled and she couldn't do it either so she had my hubby do both mine and hers online this year and I thought Oh, my God! What if he purposely did something on my Income Tax to get me in trouble and due to it I owe $$$$? I wouldn't put it past him, actually, as that's the kind of person he is, and if that was the case I'm innocent as he did it, not me, and I have no idea what he did or how taxes even work and it wouldn't take them long to figure out how clueless I am and that there's no way I'm smart enough to "cheat", and in any case, I simply don't have  the $$$ and as the old saying goes, You can't get blood from a stone.... As it turned out I asked my mother( since she's the one who takes care of my finances) if she knew about it, and she said she did know that earlier they had overpaid me but was waiting to see if they'd notice and say anything......what??!! She never said anything to me  about that ( and I never noticed as it's deposited directly into my account and again, like I said, she takes care of all the banking and I just write the cheques to pay the bills) and that got me mad; what was she planning on doing then; just keeping  the extra $$$ for herself and NOT telling me, or what because  that's the kind of person she is. I'm deeply hurt and angry but at least now I do have  the 300$; just simply send back  to them what they overpaid me; problem solved, but seriously though, WTF, and had I not opened up the mail and seen it I never would have even known!

Then she wonders why I don't respect her and the same with my hubby. He has no ethics or morals and a couple of examples would be after we had the fire he wanted to cheat the insurance compamy to get more $$$ out of them by trying to claim we "lost" valuable stuff that we never had in the first place but I wouldn't let him, saying it was dishonest and wrong( as well as fraud and illegal) and just wouldn't be right, plus that's not what insurance is for; it's to replace the lost stuff and it really bothered me and my conscience that he would even consider  such a thing( and it still does now, even decades later) and at that moment I just lost all respect for him, and then there was also the time when the 22 YR old had leukemia when he was 7 and he was gifted with a brand-new Playstation game system from either the hospital, the cancer foundation or someone(I forget) and it was such a kind, wonderful and nice thing to do and I felt so overwhelmed, grateful and thankful but he decided that the kids didn't like Playstation  and didn't want it so he sold  it and used the $$$ to buy something else instead and I thought that was just awful; so ungrateful and thankless, so rude and low-brow; he should have been grateful and graciously accepted the generous gift and been thankful and blessed. That really bothered me and he's just so dishonest and unethical and then he wonders why I don't respect him  or trust him but he just lacks integrity and to me that's a very big thing. Both he and my mother; that's just the kind of people they are and I just can't respect people like that.

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