Monday, June 22, 2020

The Swarm.

This is sooo gross and I have no idea why but we have swarms of flies all of a sudden in our house and they all congregate at the windows, esp. in the livingroom and up on the stairs going up to the second floor; dozens and dozens of them so we put up those hanging sticky fly-trap papers and we caught a whole bunch of them even in just the first day but where are they coming from and why so many? We've never had it like this before; just the odd one here and there that flies in from outside when a door or window is opened but never like this; this is like an invasion; a plague,almost, and even though we always do have lots of flies(and maggots, which are fly larvae) in the garbage cans outside festering in the summer heat( and due to it we had to move them off the veranda at the front into the driveway farther back so we don't smell them when we sit outside the front) that still doesn't explain why so many inside the house! Something must be attracting them and all to the same areas, but what? If there was something rotten, dead, decomposing or whatever we'd most certainly notice by the smell but there's nothing, so I wonder what can it be? That's the only think I hate about summer,too; all the bugs; the flies, wasps, mosquitoes,and ants! Ugh!

Church finally resumed yesterday too after being cancelled and in lockdown for the past 3 months due to the hysteria and panic of the "pandemic" and I was set to go and planning on going except my abdomenal pain was just too bad I could hardly even stand up and doubled over in pain and it was a 7.5-8/ 10 on the pain scale, and coming from somewhere deep inside me, on the right side under my ribs, and both  my stomach and abdomen hurt, as well as the usual flank pain (with lower back pain) on the right side too( likely kidney?) I was in sheer agony; the kind of pain where you gasp, break out into a sweat, rock back and forth, grip onto the arm of the chair and have to do breathing like in labour. It was so bad that even weed didn't relieve the pain so that's when you know  it's some serious pain(it can't just be IBS.....) and then on top of that later in day I got a headache,too, the kind with blinding white-hot pain behind your eyes and the abdomenal pain is still here today too and woke me up at 5am. I took my BP in case it was highm causing the headache but it wasn't, and, in fact, it was low (esp. for me) 108/74 and my heart-rate was high: 77. Who knows? I can feel like something's "shifting" though, like something in either my body or my consciousness( or perhaps both?) is changing in some way. Father's Day went uneventfully yesterday too and even though my hubby is a shitty husband he is a good father( for the most part.)

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