Tuesday, June 9, 2020

This & That.

The other day the neighbours next door were giving away a bunch of free stuff and I saw this cute stuffed toy dog plushie and the 17 YR old loves stuffed toy dogs and as soon as I saw it I thought of her and thought she'd love it and even if not I could always use it as a dog bed for Buddy so I scooped it up while Buddy and I were out on a walk and when she got home from work I showed her and she liked it, much to my delight and brought it up to her room and I was happy; happy that she liked it and that I made her smile. I asked her what she's going tocall it and she says she doesn't really name her stuffed toys; I thought everybody did.....(I do) oh, well. A girl is never too "old" for stuffed toys. I remember my cousin in her 20's still had them and I even still do( hippos and some left-over dogs from before) and they sell them on Valentine's Day for guys to give their girlfriends and wives. I mean, really, who doesn't  like a cute, sweet, cuddly stuffed toy, right?  The other day I also saw the 13 YR old raging on poor Buddy screaming at him I HATE you! I HATE you! I HATE you!! There's really something wrong  with that kid but no one believes me or ever listens to me or takes anything I say seriously, and Buddy hasn't had any blood in his shit for a long time now but yesterday I did catch him chewing on pork ribs he'd stolen out of the garbage so if it returns I'll know why....

My hubby also weed-whacked and chopped off my Peony bush, breaking my heart, like years ago he uprooted all my Lily Of The Valley too thinking they were weeds. Honestly, for someone so smart he can be really dumb, and my mother sent him to the store the other day for a danish too and he didn't have any idea what a danish was! Are you kidding me? Everyone  knows what a danish is; I knew what it was since I was like 3 YRS old; it's like not knowing what a donut is, and he thinks that I'm  the stupid one? He always talks down to me too and says things like this: I'll try and explain it to you so that you can understand..... like I'm a little kid or really dumb; he's really condescending.He's also a hypocrite,too as he always puts me down for saying f*ck  and he acts like the F-Word is "beneath" him yet at the same time he watches this late-night show( I don't know the name; it's the one with that nerdy British guy) and the host is always saying f*ck... My mother also went off on me the other day too as I put my Epic meatball stew I made in the "wrong" pot and she was freaking-out, something about how the acid in the tomatoes will cause the non-stick on the pot to be eaten away and peel off into the food....and she kept going on and on about it....nothing I do is ever "right", good enough for her, or to her satisfaction and she always has to criticize everything I do and it's always wrong. I told her If you don't like the way I do it, then do it yourself! She also finally went back to the ER for her infection but they just said to give it more time and come back if it gets worse.

My hubby also went to the pharmacy to pick up my pills that I called to re-new 4 days ago and when he got there they said there was "no record" of it so he came back and I had to call them again; why do  these things always happen to me? I swear I have the worst luck all the time and nothing can ever go right, and my new headphones don't charge anymore,either, so the wi-fi doesn't work, and I've only had them for a month( it figures, my luck!) wondering if the 13 YR old sabotaged this one too like he did with my other 3 pair, and with my weed this time I ordered a vape cartridge and am going to try vaping it like the doctor suggested as she said it's effective well for bad pain( Rheumatoid arthritis, abdomenal pain, etc.) like I have,too, and it works right away, lasts longer, uses less and is more effective and is stronger and doesn't emit a strong odour, so I'm eager to see how it compares and how it works....I also notice my pee is clear (and not cloudy!) the past few days too so maybe the increased dose in my diuretic is doing the trick? I've also been nauseated pretty much daily too but that's likely due to my failing liver and/or kidneys...

I was wondering as well with my body's sudden inability to regulate it's temp( I over-heat at 12C or feel chilled and shiver at 20 C) and heat intolerance if maybe I have a tumour on my hypothalamus in my brain ( where the body temp regulation is located)  or something? That might possibly explain it, too, as well as the headaches I've been having lately too, and yesterday it felt like a sharp pain on the top of my head like an axe slamming down hard on it splitting it in half and also a strong pulsing throbbing all up and down my back as well (I 've had at other times,too) which feels like a heartbeat only the "epicentre" in my lower back(abdomenal aortic aneurysm?); it's so weird, and I prayed on it for answers and the imprint I got in my mind was If you want to live go get it looked at, if not, let it be ...

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