Thursday, June 11, 2020


Yesterday I tried my new vape( the cartridge is shown here, plus you attach the battery to it; it just screws on and looks like a pen when it's attached; it's small) and I inhaled 2 big hits and it worked as I saw the smoke or vapour or whatever it was come out of my mouth as I exhaled but I never "noticed" anything, as in getting high, but I didn't have any pain  for 10 whole HRS and then once it wore off the Rheumatoid Arthritis pain came back full-force but this is the longest I've gone pain-free and it was wonderful and that's what the medical marijuana is for, so it did work, and before I inhaled the 2 puffs I had God-awful abdomenal pain, so bad I thought I was going to throw up ; it was soooo baaad I could hardly even move but after I vaped it was blessedly gone. I would say it was a success for the pain relief I need it for but now the test is to see how long the cartridge lasts for ( it costs 50$) and whether the one will last me an entire month or if I have to buy 2.....It also had a mild, sweet taste and wasn't a heavy smoke like the bong that sometimes make me cough like an old man.

This morning the abdomenal and  stomach pain was back  once again, and with a vengeance, it woke me up at 5 am and sooooo bad I thought I was going to pass out and I wasn't even sure where exactly it was coming from because the pain was so diffuse; it was all over; entire stomach and abdomen but seemes to be originating from my right side( which I couldn't even lay on it hurt too much; I had to lay on my left side) and I broke out into a sweat from the pain and sucked in my breath I honestly thought I was going to pass out and then it let up a bit but it's still here....f*ck....there's always something.....maybe I should hit the vape again even though I want to conserve it and make it last and not run out too quickly as it costs $$$$....yet on the other hand I don't want to needlessly suffer,either, and that is what I got it for: pain relief!

It always makes me laugh too how in English the term douche  or douche-bag is an insult, equal to asshole, indicating a really shitty, awful person, a bastard, yet in French, German and Russian the word douche/dusch, doosha simply means shower so when I hear it hurled at someone in English it always sounds to me like they're calling them a shower or a shower bag but the reference is to that feminine hygeine product that women use to clean out their hoo-ha, and the other day the 25 YR old said something that resonated with me and is actually true; that a guy's "value" increases with the more women he's slept with but a woman's value decreases with the number of men she's slept with, so in my case then I must  really have alot of value  because I've only ever been with 1 guy in my entire LIFE!  I also heard an interesting fact the other day,too; that Blue Jays are mean; that they attack and eat defenceless Hummingbird eggs so the smart Hummingbirds build their nests up high near Eagle's nests, which are predators  to Blue Jays, keeping them safe, kind of like bodyguards! We had a storm at 10 pm last night too and poor Buddy was so scared he was shaking, whimpering and 'smacking" his lips like he does when he's scared so I cuddled him holding him in my arms, petting him, talking softly to him, soothing and reassuring him and he fell asleep that way, with me curled up around him, snuggling in my arms.

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