Tuesday, June 23, 2020


YESSSSSSS!!!!! My dream has finally come TRUE!!! The hideous diarrhrea-green house at the corner(the one where they put up the fortress) has finally been painted over! yesterday they finally painted over that ugly eyesore back to it's original white! Normally I'm not a fan of white, for exterior or walls as I find it blah, bland and boring and I prefer bright colour but in this case I actually prefer it to that ghastly fugly diarrhrea green it was before(some people might also call it an Olive green but I think mine is more an apt description) which has got to be the ugliest colour ever and I have been hoping for years someone would paint over it and now they finally have! I knew the original owners when we first moved in 15 YRS ago( they were friends at our old church) and when they lived there it was white with purple trime and since then 4 other owners have lived there and I think it was the second or third owners that painted it the hideous diarrhrea green and I can still remember it,too; one summer they hired these student painters and they did it and oh, my God it was awful; the worst possible colour you could imagine. I imagine they must have had a paint sale but even so, still......ugh! Every time I walk Buddy I have to walk by and see that ugly thing.... I was suspiciously hopeful earlier when I saw the Frogtape around the windows and hoped it was going to be painted but not too hopeful as they might just be repainting over the same colour too and then yesterday they got to work; 2 guys; the owner and another guy and they did it all in one day! I have to say it looks much, much better, and I saw the guy this morning too( luckily after  I got my photo so he didn't catch me, hee,hee) and I told him it looks good and he thanked me but I didn't have the nerve to ask if they're selling or not with all the sudden upgrades. My hubby thinks they just came into $$$ and are just finally able to get all the upgrades and repairs done as it must have cost hundreds of thousands of $$$ with all the work they had done....I remember growing up hearing my mother say her grandmother painted houses when she was younger too and I did as well in my younger years so I must have "inherited" it from her. My own Babushka criticized it though saying I was sloppy and did a messy job but I thought it was efficient and I got the job done.

I also have this feeling like this is my Final Chapter and I'm at the end of my Life Story and I still have the bad abdomenal and stomach pain as well as lower back and now not only in the lower right side but now starting in the lower left side as well, just like on the right side, so is it both  my kidneys now then? Is that what it is, based on the location? Buddy's still not doing too well either I can tell he's still in pain and he pretty well just sleeps all the time now too and the look in his face says it all  and I really fear he doesn't have much time left now and it breaks my heart because he is the one I'm the most emotionally attached to and he means the world to me and is my reason for living and without him I'll have nothing and no one and nothing left to hold on to anymore or to live; he's the only "constant" in my life, my life-line, the only thing that keeps me going and I can't lose him.He is the anchor that keeps me grounded and on an even keel so I don't drift away. Without him I would be utterly lost,shattered and alone. Life without him isn't even worth living. He is my life. He's really all I have in life. he has me and I have him. We just have eachother.

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