Wednesday, July 29, 2020

29 July.

July 29. It's sort of like an "Anniversary" for me, a special day as it was on 29 July 1979 that I got my first dog. I was 12 1/2 and I got a 6 month old Beagle from the shelter. I still lived in the apartment at the time which didn't allow dogs but what did we care; we were moving into our house the next month anyway so when my mother got an angry letter from the landlord saying they were going to evict us we just laughed. So what, who cares, and good riddance! F*ck them! After waiting 12 years I finally had my dog I had always wanted after a long wait and nothing and no one was going to stop me and I can still remember those early days how happy and proud I felt walking her but it turned out she was very destructive and became aggressive and bit me, and hard,too; I still remember it,too, my bestie N and I and the dog were playing upstairs in my room at the house when she bit me in the lower back, leaving 2 holes that looked like a vampire bite, drawing blood and N ran downstairs yelling to my mother that the dog bit me, and I was crying and that was the end of the dog. I think she was jealous that I was spending time with my friend and she felt ignored and whenever we'd go out and leave her home alone she'd destroy everything; and we had to confine her to a room and she trashed everything, even somehow managing to rip electrical cord out of walls without getting electrocuted. After that I got my first Chihuahua Teeniea who ended up being one of 3 fave. dogs ever.

The photo above is also the 100th photo of Buddy; a milestone of sorts and later last night he seemed better and the tail was wagging again and he ate a couple of bites of food but this morning didn't want to go for his usual long walk though, just a quick pee out the front and I was worried he may have been dying yesterday he was so listless and just not "himself" and I cuddled him for pretty much most of the day(other than when he wanted to sleep in his bed) and held him close, petting him, reassurring him I loved him and that if he did have to go it was OK as I don't want him suffering in pain and that he'll always be with me and I'll always remember him and love him always and that I'll look for him and find him and we'll be together again someday and thanked him for being the best dog and best friend I've ever had, and that I love him more than I've ever loved anyone. Being 14 any day could be The Day so I want him to know how much I love him and I want to enjoy each day I still have left with him as one day it will the last and I will lose the best thing I ever had, that ever happened to me. It's hard emotionally for me to keep going thru this; all the worry, stress, anxiety, and fear, and the thought that it won't be too long until the most important one in my life is gone and my life is over.

See this? Baby lotion in a pink bottle? I wrote this on the list as follows for my hubby to pick up for me as I use it on my skin after my bath: Johnson's baby lotion( in PINK bottle).... and what does he come home with?.......

Baby oil with a pink lid!
He shrugs and goes, Oil, lotion, it's all the same thing....
Well, no, doofus, it's NOT, and to make it even more infuriating is this IS the oil I wanted before  and he came back with the aloe one! How hard is it to read items clearly described on a list and follow it and get the right thing? I mean, he's always going on how smart he is and even says he has a MENSA IQ but you'd never know it! He can be pretty stupid for someone who's so smart, so now on I'm going to have to take a photo like I did here and send it with him to make sure he gets the right thing! I mean, really? Duh!

I also put this joke up on my hippo-lovers group on Facebook  adding Now they are Happy, Happy Hippos....but most people didn't even get it and didn't know what it was (it's nugs of weed)  some thought it was dog food and another said to put chocolate on it(HA!) and I don't normally install updates on my computer or iPod as they take too long and disrupt what I'm doing and often change stuff so I can't find my stuff and it confuses and frustrates me ( and I'm notorious for not having any patience and the one thing I don't like to do is have to wait) but the odd time I will if I'm forced to and yesterday was one of the times I did with the iPod but it was taking too long and I needed my music on-the-go so half-way into the update I undid it and took it off, thinking it would just stop the update and nothing more.....
It didn't.
It deleted all of my songs. All 2000 or so of them, and I had to restore them.
All of them.
Of course I don't know a thing about any of that tech stuff and I freaked! I was in a frantic panic! I just lost all my music, that took so long to get! I was freaking out, so my hubby, the 13 and 17 YR old all tried to help me but it wouldn't accept either my Apple ID or password so I had to change passwords which I had to end up doing twice because it still didn't work and I was having a major meltdown but eventually the 17 YR old got it all figured out and they were restored as I had a back-up saved on iTunes on my computers she was able to get copied over somehow some 5 HRS later even though the process itself  to copy only took less than 30 minutes....oh, thank God! I was just sooooo relieved! I'm just so dumb and have the worst luck ever! I hate myself and my life. After that my nerves were rattled, between that and the stress of Buddy so I hit the bong( plus I also had a splitting headache) and I saw magical iridescent glittery sparkling fairy dust raining down from the sky and it was just so beautiful and just the thing I needed.

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