Sunday, July 5, 2020

Delicious And Disturbing.

Yesterday I finally got my poutine I've been literally waiting months for! Yay!(In case you didn't know: gluttony is my biggest sin) My hubby was running around doing his Saturday errands and the chip wagon was open (they close at 4 pm during the week, I know, early, huh, but around here they roll the sidewalks up by 5pm) and he was able to pick it up and it's the BEST poutine I've ever had anywhere; the kind with the right kind of fries, the best gravy and the best cheese kurds, the kind that squeak when you chew on them, so you know  that's good poutine! I know it looks really disgusting ( but then again so does pizza, lasagne, or Pesto sauce...) but it tastes really good. I was in my twenties the first time I tried it and I was hesitant at first because of the cheese kurd thing. I was used to gravy on fries and, in fact, my friend D and I as teens used to always go to the French fry place in the summer and gorge ourselves on fries and gravy but the cheese thing was new; poutine is a French Canadian thing but I tried it and it's amazing......if done right, not the crap they try to pass off as "poutine" at McDonald's or Burger King; they don't use the right kind of fries. Buddy likes poutine,too, esp. the cheese!

Now this, on the other hand, is just disturbing:my mother sent my hubby out to get hotdog buns awhile ago for our BBQ and he comes back with this: this....monstrosity, I mean what the f*ck is that? I've never seen anything like it before; it looks like a ghetto hotdog bun, like you took a crust of bread and folded it in half! it's just wrong on so many levels! It's mutated, deformed, everyone was just aghast, horrified, and no one would eat it. Who the f*ck makes hotdog buns cut on the top instead of at the side? That's NOT a proper hotdog bun! He said they were all sold out and that's all they had left( and I can see why!) so I posted it up on my Facebook to get comments and everyone else said it was weird too and they like the normal ones better too and one of my FB friends said they're called New England hotdog buns.
Just NO.
My abdomenal and back pain was sooo bad yesterday too it was an 8/10 on the pain scale it's off the chart and I wondered silently to myself if maybe it's kidney stones which are said to be quite painful and a small quiet little 'voice" spoke within me, Oh, it's much worse than that..... so I wonder what it is? WTF? Today and yesterday my RA and whatever else it is is also sooo bad that every joint and muscle in my entire body hurts and is stiff and sore and aches and I can hardly even move at all as well.Absolutely everything in my body just hurts.

These are also my loser sunflowers. So small, so short, so puny, so pathetic. Now 3 of them have opened and they're ALL small and only have 1 layer of petals when they should have 2-3 layers and the seed centre is so small too just a bit larger than a dime when it should be the size of a plate. I'm a failure at everything I do and this summer(and entire YEAR is just a bust. The other day sitting out on the front porch( where it's cooler and shady; it's hot out the back and sunny) I saw a redneck angrily stalking up the street loudly yelling, I want my child! I want my son, you fat f*ck! and then awhile later I saw him, and his woman walking pushing a baby in a stroller and he was still berating her and I felt so badly for her and then the next day there were out walking again and he was yelling at her and putting her down again. When I first saw him I just figured he was either drunk or high but then realized he was just mean and I wondered to myself as well, I wonder if she really is fat/ I wonder how fat she really is?(and she is, but that still doesn't excuse the way he treated her) and then later my thought was how awful it was the way he was treating her and it reminded me of how my hubby treats me and I said a silent prayer for her in my head. We also now have no more cases of Coronavirus in the entire county; they've all recovered. Hardly an epidemic. Our washing machine died too but the repairman never did call us back yet. I hope it's something that can be fixed too because we can't afford a new one....

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