Sunday, August 2, 2020

Almost Done!

Here is my hubby, hard at work finishing off the veranda railings to match the one on the balcony up on the top floor. Now he only has 2 rungs left to go and then to paint the top and bottom slabs of wood that he re-used and recycled from our old veranda wood( no, we're not Enviro freaks and didn't do it to recycle to "Save the Earth" or anything like that; it's just cheaper and saves $$$$ not having to buy as much wood as that stuff's not cheap) and then it's all done, likely next weekend! There were a couple of rungs that weren't "perfect"; one crooked and one a bit shorter than the others and him being an anal-retentive OCD perfectionist it irked him (no one else would even notice,mind you; it was so miniscule, but this is a guy who freaks out if a picture on the wall is crooked by even the slightest bit or something is off-centre even by a fraction and is compelled to correct it, even in someone else's home or in a doctor's office, etc, much to my embarrassment) so he yanked them out, perfectly fine and good rungs and just threw them out, wasting $$$$ and even drove all the way to Cobourg to get new ones to replace them with! SMH! Last week he had to go out of town as well( although only 20 minutes away) to get the remaining 25 rungs and he was soooo lucky; the store only had 25 left in stock so he bought all they had but this week they still never had any more in to replace the 2 he thought were "ruined." They were my fave ones though; I like the different ones; the unusual ones, the ones that stand out and aren't like all the others. He sees them as "rejects" but I see them as unique.

This is also how it looks completed, up close and in detail and kind of reminds me of a baby's crib rails. it was originally wood colour but he painted it white. Last night I also woke up at 1 am with cramps and never could get back to sleep again so today I'm sooo sleep deprived and tired I feel jet-lagged and like a zombie so it will definitely be a nap day and a thunderstorm also started at 5 am so I had to disarm the security system and run outside in the dark in the rain  and move my lone surviving sunflower under shelter to protect it as out of 14 seeds I planted I only got 6 plants and the other 5 were all puny, spindly, warped and deformed "runts" so this is my only hope and last chance so I'm doing all I can to ensure it flowers and I at least end up with one proper flower, and it was raining so heavy this morning too for Buddy's early pee we got soaked, just completely drenched and my shirt was sticking to my back and his fur looked so dark it was so wet. We both looked like a couple of drowned rats. I think we might have to consider building an ark, and speaking of the Bible, other reasons I'm convinced that God and Jesus are separate distinct beings(and NOT the same or a Trinity) as in the Bible Jesus was said near His death to be Praying to God the Father to be spared of this burden, so then who was He praying to? Not to Himself but to God; another separate Person, and the time the woman with the hemmorage touched his cloak and was healed and He asked Who touched  Me? and she came forward but if He was God He would have known who it was that touched Him as God is all-knowing, and then there was the time when He was called "good" and He replied, Do not call Me 'good' for no one is good but the Father, meaning God, indicating again that they are not the same person but 2 separate distinct entities, and He also said I do nothing of my own accord but of My Father who sent Me but meaning Father as in Father of mankind as He also clarified before Do not hold on to Me as I have not yet ascended to My Father and Your Father, meaning God, and there are many others, so....

This is also my fave part of our house, my fave part of it's design: I love it how the windows jut  out the shape they are instead of just flat and level with the rest of the house. I love this old design and I think it gives the house not only an old Classic vibe but also character. It also gives the livingroom inside a really interesting shape and design too instead of the typical rectangular or square shaped room. I made up cool new words as well: stabdomen: getting stabbed in the abdomen, Blindless: being blind( as in blindly following the crowd) and mindless both at the same time, and was pondering as well why exactly, is shit always brown? I mean, no matter what you eat shit is always brown....I smiled as well realizing that I had a secret Double Life that no one in my family has ever knoiwn about( even my mother only knows half) and it feels good knowing that I have secrets that are only for me, never to be revealed to them, that I keep hidden safe inside my heart and head, that they'll never know, that I never utter or reveal, and it's nice having something that I can just have for myself, to just keep for me, my own private life separate from them, before them, that doesn't include them, a life and an identity a world away from the life and the person they know of me now as if gives me a sense of independence of a sort knowing that I once was a "real" person with a real life, that did exciting things, risky things, illegal things, dangerous things, shocking things, surprising things, radical things, adventerous things, brave things, hard things,  unspeakable things, etc. and that there's a whole other side of me that they'll never know even existed.

This is also our weather forecast for today!

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