Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Augie Doggie & Doggie Daddy.

I saw a picture of these guys the other day and it brought me back to my childhood. They are Augie Doggie & Doggie Daddy, the Hanna-Barbera cartoons from the 1960's and they were my fave. cartoon characters of my childhood and the ones I would always wait for and hope would be the ones that would come on and I loved them so much when I was 4-5 years old I would even play pretend and pretend that I was them. When I saw them the other day my now-adult mind thought You know, with the floppy ears and long noses they look like Dachshunds; I wonder if they're supposed to be? and so I checked it and they are; they are supposed to be, so I guess you could say the "Dachshund thing" was "destined" for me from an early age and I always did like the breed even as a kid and now I end up with my fave dog ever who ended up being a Dachshund. I also think our purpose here on Earth is to learn unconditonal love and then we return home to God and Buddy has taught me that so maybe my time's up?

I also still have the horrific back and abdomenal pain, the worst ever for the past 3 days and often when I'm sitting or lie still I can also feel a strong throbbing, pulsing in my back as well so I don't know if it's just my heart beating quickly or an aortic aneurysm on the verge of rupturing and I have this tender apple-sized lump on the back of my left thigh too I first noticed in the early summer but it wasn't tender then but now hurts and it could just be a lipoma( fatty tumour) or sarcoma( cancer) but lipoma shouldn't hurt and that leg is always twice as swollen in general as the other as well and is also the leg Buddy is always "at",too; constantly licking, pawing at, whimpering and trying to "hump", so maybe he's trying to tell me something? My hubby also looks down on me too because I take so many medications for all my medical ailments (because he doesn't have to take any pills, but he should just be grateful he's lucky he's healthy and doesn't need meds) and acts like I'm sort of crack whore junkie on skid-row or aomething and belittles me as I walk slow and can't walk far(he doesn't tolerate stupid people either which also doesn't bode well for me) too and I wonder how he'd feel if it ended up I do  have cancer or something or some organ on the verge of rupture and that's why and it turns out he's been berating me all along for being terminally ill? He hates it as well I don't like anime and think it's lame( he likes it) even though he also hates Reggae(which I love) and uses derogatory terms to describe it,too....hypocrite.

This is also our new veranda railing, and the other day I overheard my mother asking the 13 YR old to scratch her back(he's her little pet, slave, and toady) and I was like, Really? Do you have him wipe your ass,too? and she answered,Not yet.... Eww, just eww, and whenever he hears me speaking German to Buddy he always has to "check" it with Google,too as he doesn't "trust"  that I'm not just "making it up" and it really hurts and I find it insulting that he has so little trust and faith in me, and one of my cousins(who already lives in Europe) flew to his villa in Spain the other day so I guess some airlines have resumed flying again after the shutdown, or at least within the EU but he had to wear a mask the entire flight, and seeing the BLM protests on TV reminds me of when I was younger; as a young Marxist I also attended protests and rallies, and the anti-Apartheid protests I went to would be similar to the BLM ones of today and back then in my youth(ages 17-20 in particular; My Awakening, when I was "Woke") I was a more radical Marxist and I would have done anything for the cause, even joined a revolution and thought the end justifies the means but now I'm older I've mellowed-out and am a more peaceful Marxist.

This is also the latest photo of my best friend just because he's so freaking adorable.

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