Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Final Days Of Summer.

I can't believe it, here we are, in the last final days of summer. This morning when I took Buddy out for his morning walk it was just a cool crisp 9 C but yesterday it was so sweltyering hot the humidex was 93% and I could even see steam in the air, but the other day I even saw a lone solitary orange Maple leaf fall from a tree down to the ground!Shit shit shit shit. Fall is near and summer is almost over. This is the time of year as well I'd normally be looking into calendars for the next year too but not yet this year as the way things are going I'm not even sure that there even will be  a next year so I'm debating if I should even spend my $$$ on calendars quite yet or not or wait until a bit later to see if it looks like the world will even still be here for 2021. I think one of our big mulberry trees might have been hit by lightening too as it's split right in half down the middle with a big black burned scorch mark on the split part and now part of it is bent down so low it broke the fence and is almost touching the ground on the other side!

This summer has also been the absolute worst for my allergies as well and I've had to take allergy meds pretty much daily and now they don't even work  anymore to alleviate the symptoms ( itchy watery eyes, scratchy throat, sneezing, stuffy sniffling runny nose) because I think I must have built up a "tolerance" to them and become "immune" I've taken them so much and I still have the Pink-Eye too, and yesterday it felt behind my left eye like a thumb was trying to either push my eye inwards or outwards, a weird pressure thing. and this morning when I was soaking in my relaxing bath I put the coconut oil in and laid back to relax 2 things floated by and landed on me and at first I thought they looked like either slugs or leeches(yeeech!) which shocked, surprised and grossed me out.....but then when I looked closer I saw they were starting to dissolve and realized they were little tiny pieces of shit! Ewwww! WTF? Who shit  in the bathtub? How the f*ck did they get there? That has got to be the grossest thing ever! Just ewwwwww!!!!!

I was also getting breakfast for the 17 YR old and opened a brand-new box of strawberries, just brought home from the store and there were 6 fuzzy, bruised, squishy rotten ones in there I picked out and threw away, cursing the asshole at the produce dept. that  actually had the nerve to package and sell rotten fruit and then I later found out it was one of my own kids; the 25 YR old who works at the produce dept. at the grocery store! I really let him "have" it,too. In this case the customer is right. Don't sell rotten nasty fruit! At least pick out the rotten ones before you put it out on the shelf to sell to customers! We pay enough $$$ for food as it is, don't rip us off by selling us rotten stuff, and it wasn't even reduced, either! I still can't believe summer's almost gone,either, even though this year didn't even seem like summer with everything cancelled and with no pool this year,and of course, it ended up being the hottest summer ever,too. Just MY "luck." I also remember idyllic childhood summers  too where in pre-school and Kindergarten I would go to the cottage until lightening hit it and burnt it down and although they did rebuild there was some sort of fight amongst the uncles over  ownership when someone died(I never did get the whole story, just overheard whisperings here and there) and they ended up selling it and dividing the $$$$ so I never ended up going back, and camp for 6 weeks every summer from ages 6-12, and also hanging out with friends, swimming lessons, going to the park, going to the beach, just enjoying the time off school, such good memories that are still some of the best highlights of my life.

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