Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Shelter From The Storm.

Last night at 1:30 am we had this biiig thunderstorm. The thunder was sooo loud it woke me up and it woke poor Buddy up too and he was scared and jumped off the bed and hid under the bed but then it got so bad and he got so scared that he came back up into bed, whimpering, shaking and scared, needing to be with me, to have me hold and comfort him, knowing that I am his shelter from the storm, and so I did; I had him come under the covers with me and held him close, cuddling and hugging and rocking him, stroking and petting him, talking soothingly to him to ease and comfort him and he closed his eyes, relaxed and safe, breathing softly and quickly fell asleep nestled in my arms. It's nice to know that I'm his shelter, his safe haven, the place he knows he can go to when storms come and he feels afraid; that I'm the one safe spot he can come to for shelter and protection, that I will always have his back and protect him and keep him safe and I always will.(For me my  save haven is God) I would give my own life to protect him and he knows it. I equally know that he would do the same for me. We are Twin Flames, Connected Souls, Bonded Hearts. Maybe he's my Eternal Companion even sent from Heaven down here to comfort me until it's time for me to go back Home to Heaven where we will be reunited again for all eternity; best friends forever. Who says your Soul-Mate has to be human? Love is where you find it.

As well, I knew the storm was coming as we had a severe thunderstorm watch so I also put my sunflower under shelter last night too as it just opened and I didn't want it destroyed; to only be able to enjoy it for a day and I checked it this morning and luckiy it's OK and survived the storm,and it reminded me that nothing lasts forever; that even storms pass, and this one lasted 90 minutes which is a long time they usually are much shorter but even it eventually passed and it cleared up and I remember when the 17 YR old was little how she was afraid of storms too and she'd be woken up during the night by them scared and crawl into my bed with me and cuddle for comfort too, just like Buddy does, only instead of going to sleep right away she'd talk and talk and talk for hours and hours and we'd be awake for half the night but it was nice and I really miss those days and those times.

Yesterday the drug dealers next door were also blasting Rap music as my mother was sitting out on the porch and one of them came over to borrow a tool off my hubby and she said to him I really like your music; I can't understand what they're saying but I like the beat and he was surprised and laughed because she obviously didn't hear all the pussy's and motherf*cker's they kept saying in the lyrics; it was so funny, and I was thinking it's probably for the best that you don't know what they're saying!  I also saw a Golden Finch and something awful,too: a lone orange Maple leaf falling off a tree towards the ground.....a sign fall is coming! Yesterday or today would also likely have been the day I would have gone to the CNE (The "Ex") too if summer hadn't been cancelled and I really miss it and feel the empty loss and the kids also missed out on Wonderland, FanExpo, and the 13 YR old didn't get to go to camp,either and this entire summer  has just been a bust and just doesn't even really feel like summer with everything cancelled. it feels like this entire year got cancelled.

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