Monday, August 24, 2020


Yesterday my sole proper sunflower finally opened. The only one out of 14 seeds and 5 plants that survived. The others were puny, thin,short spindly things with a defective mutant small flower the size of a marigold. This one is taller then I am(and I'm 5'6) and after 3 months of loving cultivation I finally got my prize, my reward, after all this time and effort:
a sunflower!

Oddly it wasn't one I had planted though as my seeds were to yield yellow sunflowers with black centres and this one comes up with a yellow  centre, like the ones I had last  year(and had planted in the same pot) so my guess is a seed from last year's flowers dropped and fell into the dirt, laid dormant and this spring the conditions were right and it germinated and grew, all natural, all on it's own, into this magnicifient flower I have now, and if it weren't for that I wouldn't have even had  a decent one this summer at all, so it's like it was a gift from God.
Thank you, God!
Some Muslims are also claiming some guy in Kashmir is claiming to be the Messiah; Jesus' returning and given all the weird and seemingly prophetic stuff happening this year it really wouldn't surprise me if this was the year He returned,and although the Bible does warn us to beware of false prophets and others say he's just some crackpot, you never know though,and remember they said the same things about Jesus,too...

This lone survivor is like me: a survivor and stands out alone. I also thought it would be sort of poetic if I died the same time my sunflower bloomed.

I noticed as well Buddy has this pink fleshy thing in-between 2 of his toes on one of his back feet that almost looks like another toe that I didn't notice before and that he's always licking too so maybe that's why he's been walking extra slowly lately and limping, and last night he also kept making these grunting, gaaccking noises all during the night and stayed glued right beside me all night too and I have this bad feeling he doesn't have too much time left which fills me with such fear, worry and angst I can't even think about it.

This morning I also noticed in the toilet as I went to sit down it looked like some loser had left a turd floating in there and didn't flush so I went to flush it when I noticed it was moving in there and I was like Whoa! What? I haven't even had  any weed! WTF?  so I took a closer look and it wasn't a turd, but a mouse! A wet grey mouse looks black and it was struggling trying to keep it's head above water. WTF? I guess it  was running along the shelf above the toilet and must have fallen in? In any case I gave it the Old Flusher-roo. What am I supposed  to do? I was on the second floor and couldn't exactly just toss it out the window and I wasn't going to go all the way downstairs and put it out the's just a good thing that the 17 YR old didn't see it; she'd freak!

Last night typing away online I also had a few minutes there I'm not quite sure what happened whether it was my keyboard or my brain but it kept coming out all weird, all gibberish, kind of like this: khylhygfnffj  and in my head  I knew what I wanted to type out and my fingers knew where on the keyboard to hit to get the proper letters and as far as I knew I was hitting the right keys....but for some reason it kept showing up on the screen like that.....but it only lasted for a few mere minutes and then it was OK, so I don't know if I was having a mini-stroke or something, or a brain-fart....or if it was just a technical glitch or what but it was really weird.

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